[lac celestial abodes] of Suparnakumāra [gods] and ninety-six [lac celestial abodes] of Vayukumāra [gods]. 66.
दीव-दिसा-उदधीणं-विज्जुकुमारिंद-थणिय-मग्गीणं। छण्हं पि 2 जुवलगाणं छावत्तरि मो21 सतसहस्सा ॥६७॥ .
[Each of these] six pairs [of gods] Dvipa [kumāra], Disa [kumar], Udadhi [kumar], Vidyut [kumar], Stanit [kumar] and Agni [kumar] have seventy-six lac abodes. 67..
बत्तीसऽट्ठावीसा 22बारस अट्ठ चउरो सतसहस्सा। पण्णा चत्तालीसा छच्च सहस्सा सहस्सारे ॥६८॥
[The number of celestial abodes in different paradises are] thirty-two lacs [in Saudharma], twenty-eight lacs [in Isana], twelve lacs [in Sanatkumāra], eight lacs [in Mahendra], four lacs [in Brahma,], fifty thousand [in Lāntaka], forty thousand (in Mahāśukra] and six thousand (in paradise] Sahasrāra: 68.
आणय-पाणयकप्पे चत्तारि सयाऽऽरणच्चुते तिन्नि। , सत्त विमाणसताई चउसु वि एएसु कप्पेसु ॥६९॥
[There are) four hundred celestial abodes in paradises Ānata and Pranata [and] three hundred in Arana and Acyuta. Thus, [there are in aggregate] seven hundred celestial abodes in these four paradises. 69.
एक्कारसुत्तरं हेट्ठिमेसु सत्तुत्तरं च मज्झिमए। सयमेगं उवरिमए पंचेव अणुत्तरविमाणा ॥७॥
[There are] one hundred eleven celestial abodes in lower (Graiveyaka), one hundred seven in middle (Graiveyaka), one hundred in upper (Graiveyaka) and only five in the highest (anuttara) heavens 70.
20. जुयलयाणं हे १ ला २॥ 21. मो य स मु०॥ दृश्यतां पृ० ४१४ पं० १५॥ 22. बारसट्ठ खं० हे १ ला २। बारस अट्ठ य चउरो हे २। बारस अड चउरो य सयसहस्सा मु०॥ 23. "स वि जे०॥
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