151 151. नेरइयाणं भंते ! केवतियं कालं ठिती पण्णत्ता ? गोयमा! जहन्नेणं दस वाससहस्साई उक्कोसेणं तेत्तीसं सागरोवमाई ठिती पण्णत्ता। अपज्जत्तगाणं भंते ! नेरइयाणं केवइयं कालं ठिती पण्णत्ता ? गोयमा! जहन्नेणं अंतोमुहुत्तं, उक्कोसेण वि अंतोमुहुत्तं। पजत्तगाणं जहन्नेणं दस वाससहस्साइं अंतोमुहुत्तूणाई, उक्कोसेणं तेत्तीसं सागरोवमाई अंतोमुहुत्तूणाई। इमीसे णं रयणप्पभाए पुढवीए एवं जाव विजय-वेजयंत-जयंत-अपराजियाणं देवाणं केवइयं कालं ठिती पण्णत्ता? गोयमा ! जहन्नेणं बत्तीसं सागरोवमाई, उक्कोसेणं तेत्तीसं सागरोवमाणि । 'सव्वढे अजहण्णमणुक्कोसेणं तेत्तीसं सागरोवमाइं ठिती पण्णत्ता।
O Lord! What is the duration expounded of the hellish beings? Gautama! [their duration] is ten thousand years at least (and) thirty-three ocean-similes, at the most. O Lord! What is the duration expounded of undeveloped (aparyāptaka) hellish beings? [their duration] is under muhurta, minimum, as well as maximum. [The duration] of developed (paryāptaka) (hellish beings) is antarmuhūrta less than ten thousand years, at least (and) antarmuhūrta less than thirty-three ocean-similes, at the most. What is the duration expounded of the gods of paradises Vijaya, Vaijayanta, Jayanta and Aparājita? Gautama! [their duration) is twenty ocean-similes at least and thirty-three ocean-similes at the most. In the paradise Sarvārthasiddhi, duration (of deities), at least as well as at the most, is expounded thirty-three oceansimiles.
1. गाणं नेरइयाणं भंते मु०॥ 2. “एवमिति यथा प्रज्ञापनायाम्"-अटी०॥ 3. "वमाइं मु०। "वमाईणि हे १ ला २॥ 4. सबसिद्धे । सबढे सिद्ध हे २॥
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