Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 26
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. JANUARY, 1876. the lotuses which were his feet, viz. the for a ge, a plot of ground consisting of five mattars tunate Mahamandalesvara king Kunda ma, of rice-land, by the measure of) the staff called the son of the fortunate Irivabedang adê va, Ratsaviyaghale, in the rice-land called Sara---the Great Chieftain who attained the five deyakönabayal, and one mattar of corn-land to Mahasabdas; the supreme lord of the city of the south of the rivulet which is to the south Bana vâsipura, which was the best of of that same rice-land; and the boundary of cities; he who acquired the excellent favour of this field is, -On the south, the rivulet itself (the goddess) Chamunda he who was a very is the boundary. To the north of the rivulet, lion towards the troops of elephants which which is to the north of that same rice-land, were his foes; he who had the applause of good there is one mattar of corn-land, the boundaries people; he who was a very Trinetrat to those of which are:-On the north the weir to the who attain eminence; he who was as beautiful as north of the tank called Kariyakere; the east an elephant in rat; he who was as mighty as a boundary is the pond which is below the field deadly serpent or an elephant; he who was as called Balliyahola. And the land of that same terrible as an elephant mad with passion; he god is two mattars out of the two ballist who was a cage of thunderbolts to (protect) which are included in the rice-land called Bal. those who came to him for refuge; he who was liyabayal. The flower-garden, to the north an elephant-goad for the elephants which were of the temple of) that same god, consists of his enemies; he who was as the sun to (dis. thirty kammas. And two streets were laid perse) the darkness of the array of his foes; out to the south of the temple of) that same he who was true to his promises; he who was god, and two streets to the south, on the east of a very Rama in battle; he who was a very Mê. those same streets. And there was given) a rut in haughtiness; the bravest man in the betelnut-garden of one mattar below the tank world; he who was a demigod among brave called Arakere, and a flower-garden of fifty men; (he who had the name of) Kața kada- kammas to the south of the tank called Alagere, g 0 vag; he whose resolution was not to be which was dug out below the northern weir of shaken; he who subdued the pride of brave the same tank. warriors and enemies; he who was a handmill And to the east of that place (they gave), to his foes; he who was the diadem of chief-j to be continued for the futnre, to the god tains; (be who had the name of) Sattigana. Chaturmukhadê va s, which was conchatta,-while impartially governing, with nected with that same god, a plot of ground the recreation of pleasing conversations, at consisting of one mattar and fifty kummas to the capital of Balipura, the Bana va se the east of and near to the tank called Arakere; Twelve-thousand, the Sântaļi|| Thousand, and a flower-garden of forty mattars lying and the Hay ve Five-hundred, up to the bor- round (the temple of) that same god; and ders of the western ocean,-on the occasion two streets to the south of that same god. of the festival of the sun's commencement of The boundaries of this are:-On the west his progress to the north on Sunday the second and the north, the large tanks themselves day of the bright fortnight of the month Pu- 're the boundary; and on the south and the shya of the Siddharthi samvatsara, which was east of the god, the king's highway is the the year of the Saka era 941,--repaired the boundary. The boundary of two streets that temple of the god Nandikê svaradeva were laid out to the west of (the temple of) that of the original shrine, (and gave), to be con- same god is :-On the west and north the tinued for the future, for the oblation of that god boundary is the tank called Balligola, which and for the purpose of repairing whatever might was made to the east of the north-west become broken or torn or worn-out through quarter. To the west from there (they gave) * A form of Durg & or P&rvati. of whom Basava, the founder of the Lingayat religion, is + The three-eyed Siva, as the destroyer of Tripur.. supposed to have been an incarnation. 1 The golden mountain in the centre of Jam badvips • See note to line 28 of the text. or the inhabited world. + Billi'--the meaning of this word as a land-measure & See No. 1 of the Banswisi inscriptions at page 206. is not known. Or Santalige; see note at vol. IV. page 310, Kamm, ancient land-measure the value of which col. 2. is not now known. 5 Siva, the lord of the ball Nandika or Nandi', 1 $ The four-faced, -Brahm. al


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