NO. 2.]
(1.1) and lalitārighri (1. 11) and Mahalakshmi (1. 34). A consonant after amsvāra and the rõpha is doubled, as in Telugu and Kanarese inscriptions, e.g. in l. 7, ofw in . 42, qenit in 1. 40, in l. 83 and are in l. 86; in offT(1. 99) the consonant is doubled before ra. The virama is used with the letters a in 11. 13, 15, 17, 57, 66 and 106, 7 in 11, 17, 27 and 73 and
in 11. 81 and 137. The rules of Sandhi are not observed in the following cases :-The visarga does not assimilate with the following consonant except in sfeero in l. 14. w at afro for कौशिक ऋग्वि in 1. 78 and विश्वामित्री अम्बि° for विश्वामित्र ऋम्वि° inl. 126%3 भूतगण for पभूह occurs in 1. 15, fuary pic for fiat rat in l. 44, e agt for faptaret in 1. 106 and afraqurd for
fawro in l. 120. try for T4 in 11. 55 f. and 61, au for wat in 1. 146 f., and fee for feve in II. 26 and 27 are evidently due to a wrong pronunciation very common in later Vijaya nagara inscriptions. One grammatical mistake is offer for yet we in I. 148.
After invoking Gapasa and the boar incarnation of Vishịu, the record begins as usual by tracing the First Vijayanagara dynasty from the Moon. In the lunar race was born Bukka-Rāya (I). His son was Harihara (II), and his son Dēvaraya (I), who ruled at Vijaya. puri (Vijayanagara). He had a son Vijaya-Bhupati by his wife DēmImbikā, who was herself the danghter of a certain Nūka-Bhopāla of the Solar race (v. 17). Kriyagak ti-dēsika was the spiritual teacher of Vijaya-Bhüpati (v. 20). This king Vijaya, having founded in the division called Muļvāgila rajya, in the district Huli nādu, in Dand halli sthala, a new village called Kriyadakti-pura, granted it to Krishna-Pandita in the Baka year reckoned by the chronogram rarigaloka (i.e. 1332), corresponding to the cyclic year Vikfiti, in the bright half of Bhādrapada, when the nakshatra) Sravana was combined with Monday, on the Ekadasi tithi (and) the Lakshminārāyana yoga (vv. 26 to 30). Verses 21 to 25, which introduce the donee Krishna-Pandita, state that his parents were Méchām bikā and Singaņārya, that he belonged to the Bbāradvāja gotra and that his younger brother was Annadata, in company with whom he served the king Vijaya faithfally. Krishna-Pandita constructed in Kriyasakti-pura a tank called Vijaya-samudra (v. 81), and, having secured the permission of the king, made a grant of the village and the tank to Brāhmaṇas of different gotras (vv. 34 and 35). As stated in the Kanarese passage (1l. 144 to 146), the village consisted of 82 vpittis. From the post-script which describes the boundaries of the village we learn that Kriyāsakti-pura, on being granted to Brihmapas, received the name Abhinava-Vijaya-Bukkarāya-samudra, evidently after VijayaBukka, one of the surnames of king Vijaya-Bhåpati.
The date of the grant has been verified with the help of Dewan Bahadur Swamikannu Pillai's Ephemeris. In the year Vikriti, corresponding to A.D. 1410, Bhadrapada was interoalary. On Monday in the bright half of nija-Bhadrapada the tithi dafami (.e. the 10th day) ended at 38 after mean sunrise, and the nakshatra Uttara-Ashādh similarly ended at 48 after mean sunrise. Thus the given tithi (i.e. the 11th) and the nakshatra Sravans were in combination with Monday only in the last quarter of that day. If such a choice of an auspicions moment in the early hours before sunrine is possible, the English equivalent would be the last quarter of A.D. 1410, September 10, Monday.
Very few stone insoriptions of Vijaya-Bhapati have been found. The present record, accordingly, is one of extreme interest, being the first oopper-plate insoription of his time discovered up to now. Professor Kielhorn's List of Southern Inscriptions, No. 480, says that Vijaya's father Dövarðya I Ascended the throne in Saka-Saihvat 1328 (EA.D. 1406-07). It must have been soon after this that Vijaya-Bhdpati was installed as viceroy at Mulbăgal in
1 In the list of donees he is incidentally also mentioned m Singapácharya, father of Ramakrishga (i... Krishna-Pandita) and Andadātā.
* From No. 846 of the Madras Epigraphical Collection for 1906 it may also be warmised that the coronation of Devardya I took place in A.D. 1406-07.