No. 25.)
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ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Vv. 27 & 28. After the death of Achyuta, Venkata-dēva-Raya succeeded to the throne. On his death,
Vv. 29 & 30. Sadasiva-Mabaraya, the son of Ranga by Timmimba, was anointed as king of Vidyānagara by Ramaraja, the protector of the Karnāta kingdom, and other ministers.
Vv. 31-35. The praises of Sadasiva-Mahardya, who was a devotee of the god residing on Seshadri (i.e. the god Venkatěsa).
Vv. 36-42. The other titles of king Sadasiva.
Vv. 43-57. In the vicinity of the god Vitthalagvara, on the banks of the Tangabhadra river, in the Saka year counted by the numerical words avatar-driga-vēd-andu (=1470); in the year Kilaka; the month Ash&dha ; in the bright fortnight; and on Sunday, the day of PramathaDvadasi; for the worship of the god Chenna-Kosava enshrined in the village Mundimadugu, by the 16 methods prescribed and for Brahmaņas of various Sakhas, names, gotras and sūtras, famous for their Vedic knowledge and learned in the sõstras; the king gave the village of Kanume, otherwise known as Narasammasamudra, situated in the Gutti valita in Mundimadugu sima, on the banks of the Pinäkini (Pennar) river to the east of the village Sirivara, to the south of Kallamadi, to the north of Akilēru and to the west of Nāgalagudda.
V. 58. The god Chenna-K ava and the Bråhmanas hold equal divisions in the village. Vv. 59-97 contain the names of the donees and the number of shares that went to each.
V. 98 & 11. 151 to 228. The details of the boandaries and the marks of identification are set forth.
Vv.99 & 100. The grant was composed on the order of the king by Sabhāpati-Svayambha. V. 101. The engraver of the grant was Virana-HohArya, son of Virana. Vv. 102-106. The usual admonitory verses. L. 241. Sri-Virüpaksha (the sign manual of the king).
By S. V. VISWANATHA, M.A., TRICHINOPOLY. The grant is recorded on a single copper-plate inscribed on both sides. It is now in possession of the Sankaracharya of the Kumbhaghonam matha, who kindly lent the plate for examination. I edit the inscription from inked impressions prepared by me. ! Read a.
In Telaga characters [The number 70 is obtained by adding avatara (10) to anga (6) the latter of which, w i stand in the place of tons, is equal to sixty.-H. K. 8.)