No. 27.]
TRANSLATION. (Line 1.) Om! Hail! From (his) victorious residence (vasakat) at (the city of) Dantapura the son of the glorious Dānarnava, the glorious Mahārāja Indravarman-who has bad the string of the Kali age washed away by obeisance to the lotus feet of the divine (God) Gokarna-Svåmin, the lord of the movable and immovable (creation), the sole architect for the creation of the whole. universe, who is established on the summit of the mountain Xahēndra-wbo is the ornament of the family of the Gangas-who has obtained the supreme sovereignty over the whole of Kalinga by the quivering of the edge of his own sword; whose fame is stainless over the earth, which is girt about by the waves of the water of the four wide-spreading ooeans; whose feet are tinted by the mass of the clusters of blossoms which are the lustre of the crest-jewels of all the chieftains who have been made to bow down by his prestige of the cries of triumph occasioned by victory in the contests of many battles; and who meditates on the feet of (his) parents-issnes the (following) order to all the householders oultivating the division of Bhukkukura in the Ktiraka-rashtra :
(L. 10.) Know yo! This land, having been exempted from all taxes (and) having been established (89 a village) to continue as long as the moon and the sun may last, has been given, for the increase of the religious merit of (our) parents and of ourselves, with an accompaniment of libations of water, on the full-moon-day in the month of Karttika, to Bhavadattagarman, of the Kausika gotra, A student of the Rig Veda, a resident of Tirilinga and well-versed in Vēdas and Vēdarigas. Having known this, dwell ye in happiness, tendering (to him) the proper share of the profit therefrom.
(L. 14.) The marks of the boundaries in the pradakshina (right to left) order may here be noted thus:-On the east, beginning with an ant-bill, (there are) at (a distanoe which equals) the shadow of a man,' an Arjuna tree, then an ant-hill, then a Karanja tree together with an anthill. On the south, from the Karanja tree, at (a distance which equale) the shadow of a man, three boulders. On the west, beginning with the boulder, at a distance which equals) the shadow of a man (there is) a boulder only, then an Arjuna tree, then a boulder. On the north, beginning with the boulder, at (a distance which equals) the shadow of a man (there is a T'imira tree," then a boulder, then in the form of a door-joining (there is) a boulder and then a single boulder (and) then an ant-hill.
(L. 21.) And he (the king) admonishes future kings :-This meritorious gift should be preserved by those (kinga) who rule the earth, having obtained it by right, inheritance, or oonquest, one or other means. With reference to this (subject) there are verdes sung by Vyåsa :
[The three customary verses.] (L. 28.) (By) the order of the Maha-Mahattara Sivagarman-this edict was written by Bambapura-UpAdhaya, son of the Hasty-adhyaksha—the chief of the elephants-the saroadhikrita Dharmachandra, on the 20th day in the month of Pushya of the year 100 40 9 of the augmenting victorious reign; and was engraved by Khandiohandra, son of Aditya-Bhögiks.
On purusha-okokhaya cf. Ep. Ind., Vol. II, p. 184, n. 1.
[Timing in the Sanskrit trapolation of the Teluga okkafi, which is the name of the troe plotorina.-H. K. 8.]