Tollantur in altum, ut lapen graviore I Let them be raised on high that they ruant.
may be led to graver fall. L. 1. Hier ziet men Mådoen& naar't leven Here we see Mådanna drawn from life; a Bfgetekend,
plaything of fortune from the beginning of his L. 2. Die van den eersten tyd zyns youth till -his death; he had risen from Ionkheyds afgerekend,
nothing to snob good luck that even the king L. 3. Tot aan zyn dood toe was een speel.
must live according to his direction. He re. kind vant geluk :
moved his own master from office and state. L. 4. Hy is van niet tot zoo een hoogen
Oh hellish scoundrelism, nay, he dared to do trap verheven,
anything. Trying to deliver the king into the L. 5. Dat zelf de Konink naar zyn wenk
enemy's hands, he was discovered in the act heest moeten leven.
and had to give ap his life through Sayyad L. 6. Hy heeft zyn eygen Heer (0 heyl. Makhta's sword. After all the burden has to loos schelemstek)
be borne. L. 7. Van ampt en staat gezet, ja alles derven wagen.
L. 8. Maar trag tende zyn Vorst te levren in de hand
L. 9. Des vyands, raakte hy toen't agt quam aan een kant,
L. 10. Door Sidemaktas swaard, teynd moet de last tog dragen.
Alter Idem.
A second just the same. L. 1. Hier siet men in het kleyn de schets There we see the picture of Akkanna in van Akkana,
ministare. A beast in human skin : his cunL. 2. Een beest in menschen schynning and wily tricks, his roguery and pride wiers loze loze streken,
are not fit to be spoken. No greater villain L. 3. Wiens schelmery en trots niet syn Golkonda ever produced. Partaking in his om ayt te spreken.
brother's treason, he was not content. He had L. 4. Goon groter boobwicht droeg de the same penalty at the same time. stad van Goloonda.
L. 5. Deelaghtig aan tverraad zyno broers nooit wel te vreden,
L. 6. Heest hy de zelve straf op eenen tyt geleden.
Madoena on Akkana. Twee Gebroeders vermoort en schandeluk ten toon Gestellt. (Madanna and Akkanna. Two brothers mardered and exhibited soandalously.)
The donor of our grant ia Mabadsvendra-Sarasvati, disciple of Chandrasekhara-Sarasysta of the Sarada pitha of Kanohipuram. This grant, taken with the other Vijayanagars moord