previously granted an endowment; and that the present inscription was intended to record these facts and to amalgamate the endowments of the father and the son.
Who Sindhurija (v. 55) can be is not clear. He cannot be the well-known Sindhurāja of Mālwā, whose period is about 990-1010 A.D.; for, even if we refer v. 55 to Mandanadēva, the latter can hardly have been old enough to wage a victorious war before 1010 ; and as we saw, the probability is that the verge refers to his son, which will bring it still further down in time. Possibly Sindhürāja is to be understood as meaning "a king of Sindh."
The date as given on the ink-impression and read by Pandit Gopal Lal Vyas is: Samvat 1188;' Phālguna śuddha, the 3rd day, Friday. On this Mr. R. Sewell has kindly supplied to me the following remarks: "Since the month is Phālgans, the beginning of the year, whether Chaitra, Kärttika, or Aghadha, makes no difference in the year's number; and since the tiths was in the bright half, it makes no difference whether the months began with the new or full moon. Hence the only question is whether the year was current or expired. Take the expired Case first. In that case Samvat 1136=A.D. 1079-80. The lunar year began 7 March 1079, and 3 sukla Phálguna corresponded with Tuesday, 28 January, A.D. 1080. This, therefore, does not fit. Now take the current Samvat 1136. This=A.D. 1078-79, which began in lunar reckoning on 17 March 1078. 3 sukla Phalguna of that year must have been coupled with a civil day 327 days later, viz. with Thursday, 7 February, A.D. 1078. On that day, 3 dukla Phalguna ended about 11 h. 24 m. before mean sunrise on the Friday next day, and it could not be coupled with that Friday. However, this is nearer than the Tuesday of the former case."
On the other hand, Professor Kielhorn, in his notice of the inscription, read the number of the tithi as seven, and accordingly calculated the date as Friday, 31 January, A.D. 1080, when, according to his reckoning, the seventh tithi of the bright half ended 20 h. 3 m. after mean Bunrise. Mr. Sewell has pointed ont to me that this is a satisfactory solution. "Only," he adds, "Kielhorn made a slip about the end of the tithi, so it seems to me. My work shews that the 7th sukla tithi of Phālgana in Samvat 1136 expired was current at mean sunrise on Friday, 31 January, A.D. 1080. It had begun 2 b. 25 m. before that mean sunrise, and was coupled with the civil day Friday ... Sapposing that the calculation for the given date had been made for the moment of true sunrise, not mean, would the results be different ? I think not. In Northern India true sunrise on Jan. 31 would take place after, not before, mean sunrise. Hence, since the 7th fukla tithi had began 2 b. 25 m. before mean sunrise, it would have ran & still longer time at the moment of true sunrise." Accordingly it would seem most probable that the numeral representing the tithi on our inscription was really 7, aud has been wrongly altered by the preparer of the ink-impression to S.
The only places mentioned are: Mount Arbuda, now Abū (v. 3), Karnāta, the Narmadā, and Mälava (v. 19).
TEXT.3 [Metres : vv. 1, 3, 4, 13, 19, 24, 28-9, 31, 37, 39, 40-1, 43, 45-6, 49, 58, 63-4, 67, Sardalavikridita; vv. 2, 5-7, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26-7, 30, 32-5, 42, 44, 47, 52-3, 57, 61-2, 65, 68-70, 7284. 87, Anushubh ; vy. 8, 48, Drutavilambita ; vy. 9, 10, 38, 51, 56, Sragdhard ; vv. 11, 36, 71. Sedgata ; vv. 12, 15, 17, 22, 25, Vasantatilaka ; vw, 20, 86, Trishfubh; vv. 50, 59, 60, Mandalorāntā; vv. 54, 66, Malini ; v. 85, Aryd. V. 55 is compounded of & Rathoddhata (pada 1) and Svāgata (padas 2-4).] 1 Om Om Namah Si(fi) vĀya Påpau vaba)ddha-bhujanga-photkriti-bhayat
samkochayatyāḥ karar vyākrishtam jarati-japāna rabhasāa (ch)-Chhambhör
Possibly the name Mandalösa was intentionally chosen to cominemorate the name of Mandanadora by likeness of sound.
Curiously enough, the poet in 1.88 gives the year as saka 1186; chronological considerations prove this to be an error. From the ink-impression.
• Denoted by a symbol.