A san illumining the clear firmament of the Jahnavi (or Ganga) kula, possessed of a territory of good people which sprang from the swift victory of his own arm, adorned with wounds received in cutting down the hosts of his orael enemies, of the Kāņvāyana gotra, was His Majesty Konkanivarman dharma-mahadhiraja.
(Line 4) His son, inberiting the qualities of his father, having developed a special intelligençe, by aoquiring the meaning and essence of many soiences, skilled in the exposition and praction of the science of politics, having obtained the honours of the kingdom only for the sake of the good government of his subjects, was His Majesty Madhava mahadhiraja.
(Line 6) His son, his body adorned with wounds obtained in many wars, knowing the essence of many Sastras, Itihasas and Purdnas, duly installed by the Indra of the Pallava kula, Bim havarman mahārāja, -was the Ganga-raja Ayyavarman.
(Line 8) By his son, uniting the qualities of his father and grandfather, devoted to the worship of gods, Brahmaps and gurus, kaowing how to act by the practice of justice, having the glory of a kingdom won by the valour of his own arm, the banner of the Gång@ya-vamsa, having acquired the kingdom descended in his own family, being duly installed by SriSkandavarman maharaja of the Pallavas-Madhava mahadhiraja of the Gangas, sriBimhavarman-to the Brāhmaṇ, of the Vatsa gotra and Taittiriya charana, Kumāragarman, proficient in penance, fasting, mortification, silent prayer, sacrificing, conducting sacrifice, studying and teaching the sacred books, cursing and blessing, an acceptor and receiver of gifts, -on the full-moon day in the month Chaitra, were given, in the form of a Brāhmaṇ gift in the Karmatuva kshētra, situated below the great Paruvi lake in the Paruvi vishaya, sixty-five fields, sowing twenty-seven khanduka (of seed).
(Line 16) Whoso takes away this becomes guilty of the five great sing. As to this also there are the flokas uttered by Manu :-By many kings has the earth been enjoyed, Sagara. and others. Whosesoever at any time is the land, his is then the fruit. To make a gift oneself is very easy ; difficult the protection of another's. Of giving or protesting, than giving more excellent is protecting. Whoso seizes on land given by himself or by another, abides in dreadful darkness for sixty thousand years.
(Line 20) Thus is this popper plate, written by the goldsmith Aryya's son Apapa.