No. 22.]
Done's name.
| Father's name.
. :
37. Suri-Bhatta Varada-Bhatta Yajus 1 Srivates. 88. Venkatölvara Mabalinga-Bhatta Bahv.richa Vivamitra 39. Jannaya . Mara-Bhatta . Do, Do. 40. Yalla-Bhata Gauri-Bhatta . Yajus . Sandilya 41. Srl - Virüpåksha- Tirumals.
Kaufika Bhatta. 42. Sändi-Bhatta Linga-Bhatta
Gautams. 43. Kimi-Bhatta Manga-Bhatta . Baby-richa. Kibyapa. 44. Kônē[vi]-Bhatpa. Chodi-Bhata . Do. Bbäradvaja 46. Tirumala . .Ananta-Bhatpa. Do. Kalyapa. 46. Timmi-Bhatta . 8 . Vidyanidhi
Ksofiks. Bhatta 47. Någa-Bhatta .Akka-Bhatta
Bhirdvija 48. Vodaya . . Madhava-Bhatta. Do. Kapila 49, Bkabs . . Divakara-Bhatte Yajus . Parabara.
. .
Sari. Vēda-bästra-vid.
It is clear from the list given above that of the 47 donees among whom the land was distributed 24 were Rig-vēdins (Bahvpicha); 15 Yajur-vēdins and 2 Sämagas. It is not stated to which Voda the remaining 6 donees belonged; 10 were of the Kabyapa gotra; 8 of the Bharadvāja; 6 of the Gautama; 4 each of the Visvämitra and the Atrēys; 3 each of the Śåndilya and the Jåmadagnya-Vatsa; 2 each of the Kaugika and the Harita; and one each of the gotras Maudgalya, Srivatee, Gårgys, Kapila and Parisara. 6 belonged to the Bodbiyans sutra, the rest belonged presumably to the Āpastam be sütra, though this is distinctly stated only of Ramachandra-Dikshita, the main dones. As regards relationship of the other donees to Ramachandra-Dikshita, it appears probable that Nos. 4-6 were his brothers, and No. 7 & cousin of his. No. 121 was apparently a brother of No. 22, and No. 27 of No. 28. All the donees probably stood in agnate or cognate relationship to Ramachandra.
As regards the distribution of land among the donees, the allotment among the 47 Brahmans, when totalled up, comes only to 65 vrittis and not to 81, as it should according to the grant (see above). It is not known what became of the remaining 16 vrittis.
After the names of the doneos, oto., thus given the record mentions that Patēndal was another name by which Kadalāļi was known (V. 103).' [If it was a grāmagrdga it must be & separate village.-H. K. S.] Then comes the name of the person who composed the ediot of the king. His name was Sabhāpati, the famous rhymester of the Court (V. 105). V. 106 gives the name of the engraver, Viran-acharys, the son of Mallaņa, whose family were the hereditary engravers of the grants of the Vijayanagara kings. Under all these is the signature at the bottom of the last plate, Sri-Virupaksha, written in bold Kanarese characters, after the conoluding imprecatory verses common to all the Vijayanagara grants.
TEXT.1 (Metres : v. 1-4, 6-8, 12-14, 18, 19, 25-27, 35, 37-103, 105-110, Anushtubh; v. 8. 20, 29. 34, Sardilavikridita ; v. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21-23, 28, Sragdhard ; v. 9, Harint ; v. 24. Dodhaka;,vv. 30 & 104, Arya; vv. 31, 111, Salini.] From the original plates