(Verse 77.) He likewise gave a dramma on each traders' association; the fourteenth day of the bright fortnight in each month was attached to every recurrence.
(Verse 78.) ....and on a pile of sugar a dramma, on & water-wheels & harakat of barley.
(Verse 79.) In (his) bounty also he granted on a clear tweuty (packs) of loaded grain one bharaka in his piety, and on a bharaka (of the samo one chhariga (?).
(Verse 80.) He likewise constructed a town with white houses and furnished with gardens, and bestowed on the god lands duly measured out with their sides of access,
(Verse 81.) He moreover assigned one citron from each lagada, and the odpa from a mataka of barley and likewise on ațavika.
(Verse 82.) O kings on earth, hearken to the edict granted by me: observe it: for no other purpose are these my hands clasped upon this coronet.
(Verse 83.) Prithu and other kings have severally enjoyed the earth; whence the latter together with them has again passed through various conditions.
(Verse 84.) There was born in due succession in the family sprang from Sadhāra the loarned poet Sumati-Sadhāra, an ear-ring of the Muse.
(Verse 85.) Success be to his son the blest Vijaya-Sadhāra, by the sandal-paste of whose virtues there was made a beauteous forehead-ornament for the goddesses of the quarters of space, moon to the lotuses of poets' faces !
(Verse 86.) His younger brother Chandra, having fame bright as the moon, pronounced this panegyric when a period of one thousand, one hundred, and thirty-six years was elapsing since the Saka (king).
(Verse 87.) Asarāja, son of the junior Sridhars of the Kāyastha race, happy of mind, wrote out here the panegyric.
(Line 53.) Engraved by ....Samvat 1136, on Friday, the 3rd day of the bright fortnight of Phälguna. Good luck!
These plates belong to Mr. Yegnaswimi Ayyar, son of Ramachandra Dikshitar, & direot descendant of the donee of our grant, whose name is also Rāmachandra Dikshitar. He is the village munsiff of Kadaladi in North Arcot district and has still in his possession the land granted to his ancestor by Achyuta-Raya. The plates were obtained from him through the kindness of His Holiness the Sankaracharya at Kumbakonam. They are in good preservation and are at present in the possession of the latter.
The grant is on five copper plates bored at the top and held together by & ring. The plates bear inscriptions on both sides, excepting the first and the last, which are engraved on one side only. They are numbered with Telaga-Kanarese numerals on the first side of each
1 Sarep-arartta-yuta, i.e. assigned as the date of payment as it falls due annually.
? Tavaninh (the ending is perhaps wrong) is connected with Marathi tavaşa, "the boap of sugarcane cut for the mill” (Molesworth). . See above, Vol. XI, p. 29.
Ibid. A hand-cast or bandful of. above, Vol. I, p. 161 n. Compare nirvapa, abovo, Vol. XI, p. 56.
• I understand undara-samjata ... filaka man irregular compound similar in structure to the Prakrit dhavala-ka-oraria (i.e. dharala krit-Oparita, for krita-dharal-Öpacita)Plachel, Gramm. d. Prakrit-8pr. 603.