1. 18 यसैन हविषा हविर्भुजं त्वा पिपिखयनं निर्व्वयं उपरिलिखितग्रामाः सजलस्थल गिरिगहन गर्त्तोषरपाषाणलोहलवणाकराः समधूकचूतवनवाटिका वि टपटपयूतिगोचर
1.19 पर्यन्तायतुराघाटविशृहाः कटेहलीमकताम्रपत्रलिखितमानानामगोत्रेभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यश्चतुश्चरणचा(च)तु[: * ] श्रुतिपाठकेभ्यः पंचशत संख्येभ्यो गोकर्ण कुशपूतकरतलोदकपूर्णमाप
1.20 मी कान्तं यावच्छासनीजत्य प्रदत्ता मत्वा असद्मनो
गकर तुरुष्कदण्डप्रभृतिसमस्तादायानेभ्यः समुपनेष्यथेति तथा' वंकाणैपत्तलायां मनुषडग्राम [:] सर्व्वादायसहि
1. 21 तः चंद्रावत्यां देवश्रीचंद्रमाधवाय पूजाद्यर्थ शासनोजत्य प्रदत्त इति ।
1. 24 उत्कीर्थ माधवेनेदं श्रीगंगाधरसूनुना ।
श्रीचन्द्रमाधवो येन
घटितोन्यं हसनि (सचिव ॥
(11. 1, 9-21, 24).
(Line 1) Om. After giving away gold etc. equal to his own weight and a thousand cows before the excellent image of the divine (and) illustrious Adi-kesava.
(Ll. 9-21) Viotorious is he, the illustrious Chandraditya-Deva, the Parama-bhattaraka Mahārājādhiraja, Param-êsvara, the devout worshipper of Mahōśvara, who, by his arm, has acquired the sovereignty over the glorious Kanyakubja... In the pattala of Vrihaḍrihedevaratha, the villages Goim jara, Mayadasitna, Gargshads, Dauli, Sapātakasirisi, Bhadanba pakauli, Mapia, GFhadasiths, Kosanda, Indini, Mandu, Patapā, Kathālī, Gadasamndā, Kañ• kalasi, Goūdi, Chohhatimbu, Kaithnopdi, Bharathi, Laghukoli, Chandavali, Malivada, Maluyi, Pakadis, Vudharāmauyi, Bamkhavāyi, Vamana, Dighavamta, Varāthā, these thirty villages, in figures also, villages 30; also, in the pattala of Kathāhali, two villages, Pakaura, Pavanshapura, making thirty-two villages in both the pattalās : in these (villages) (the king, Chandra-Dāva) commands, informs and directs all the people, resident and visitors, also Kings, Queens, Yuvarājas, counsellors, commanders of troope, priests, physicians, astrologers, superin tondents of gynwcenms, envoys, officers in charge of elephants, horses, towns, mines, stations and gokulas: The transitoriness of the world should, indeed, be known to you; prosperity is charming to the eyes only for a few days, like the beauty of the flowers of the spring season; the life of men is always moving, like a heap of sand on the bank of a river flowing along the slope of a mountain; the enjoyment of the pleasures, sweet in the beginning, bitter in the end, is difficult to digest like oil-cakes; the senses are difficult to deal with, averse to discriminating between good and evil, like the coquetry of prostitutes. Therefore, we, too, having considered, with the help of authentic precepts of the Vedas and the Smritis, not disagreeing with all the Sastras, and having bathed at the glorious Adi-kesava ghaṭṭa at the sin-effacing (confluence) of the Ganges and the Varana, on Saturday, the akshata third day of the dark fortnight of Vaisakha, in the year eleven hundred increased by fifty-six, to-day on the akshata
[व] is engraved above the line.