311 हिना सरसतरेण सभापतिः स्वयंभूः ।। १५४*] सदाशिवमहारायशास
नाहोरणा312 मजः । त्वष्टा श्रीवोरणाचार्यो व्यलिखता ममासनं ।। १५५] दान
___ पालमयोर्मध्ये दा313 नाच्छयोनुपालनं । दानात्वर्गमवाप्रीति पालनादच्युतं पदं १५॥]
खदताहिगुणं' 314 पुल्यं परदत्तानुपालनं । परदत्तापहारष खदत्तं निस्कलं भवेत् ।। १५०
खदत्ता 315 परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुंधरा । षष्टिं (वर्षसहस्राणि विष्टायां वायते
क्रिमिः ।। १५८] 316 एकैव भगिनी लोके सर्वेषामेव भूभुजा । न भोज्या नकरप्राधा विप्रदत्ता 317 वसुंधरा [ १५८] सामान्योयं धर्मसेतुपाणां काले काले पाल
नीयो भवद्भिः ।। 318 सर्वानेताग्भाविन: पर्धिवेद्राग्भूयो भूयो याचते रामचंद्रः ॥ श्री ।। १६.]
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. (Verses 1-3) Invocation to Sambhu, the Varaha avatāra of Vishnu, and Gandia. (Vv.4-8) The genealogy as far as Naresa... (Vv. 9-11) Praises of Narasa ; his generosity and exploits.
(Vv.12 and 13) Mention of Vira-Nrisimha and Krishpa-Raya as the nons of Narasa by Tippaji and Nagala.
(V. 14) Mention of Ranga and Achyutadsva-Raya as the two other sons of Narasa by Obambika.
(Vv. 15-19) The conquests of Vira-Nrisim ha ; his gifts at the various places of pilgrimage and death.
(V. 20) Krishna-Raya ascends the throne. (Vv. 21-23) Praises of Krishna-Raya, eto. (V. 24) Achyuta, Krishna-Raya's brother, succeeds him. (Vv. 25 and 26) Praises of Achyuta-Raya. (V. 27) Venkatadšve-RĀya succeeds bis father Achyuta.
(Vv. 28-30) At the death of Venkata Sadā diva, the son of Ranga, tihe lord of earth, by Timmāmba, was installed on the throne of Sri Vidyanagari by king Räma of Karnata, brother-in-law of Sadasiva.
(Vv. 31-35) Praises of Sadasiva (Vv. 36-40) The titles of the king. (Vv.41 and 42) Praises continued.
1 Read चE *Resd फ.
- Read सामाजिक • In Kannada obataeters.