No. 10.]
reaches to the northern boundary-wall of Surakonagaḍḍia, to the east of the eastern boundary-wall of Naḍḍina, to the east of half of the cattle track to the east of the Sasana of Jalasothi and to the east of half of the cattle track to the east of the Sasana of Molaḍandi, (which runs) up to the (river of) Singația. The village granted, Vallahiṭṭha, still exists in the Murshidabad district of Bengal, where it is now called Valuṭiya. This identification and the identification of some of the boundary villages have been made by Mr. Tarak Chandra Roy, M.A., Deputy Collector, when Subdivisional Officer of Katwa. Mr. Roy succeeded in identifying the following villages mentioned in the grant :
(1) Jalasōthi, a village still existing under the same name in the Murshidabad district of Bengal.
(2) Möläḍandi, a village now called Murundi in the Burdwan district of Bengal.
(3) Khaṇḍayillä, a village called Kharulia at the present time, which is situated in the Burdwan district of Bengal.
I edit the grant from the original plate.
[Metres: vv. 1, 2, Särdalavikriḍita; v. 3, Mandākrāntā; v. 4, Sragdhara; v. 5, Arya; v. 6, Sragdhara; v. 7, Vasantatilaka; v. 8, Sardalavikriḍita; vv. 9, 10, 11, 12, Vasantatilaka; v. 13, Sardulavikridita; v. 14, Sikharini.]
1 Om1 om namaḥ Śivaya || Sandhyā-tāṇḍava-samvidhāna-vilasan-nāndi-ninād-ōrmm. bhir-nnirmmaryada-ra
2 -s-ārņṇavo disatu vaḥ śroyo-rddha-närisvaraḥ yasy-arddhe lalit-anga-hara
valanair-arddho cha bhim-o
3 -dbhaṭair-nnäty-arambha-rayair-jjayaty-abhinaya-dvaidb-anurodha-śramaḥ
Harsh-öchchhala-pariplavo nidhir-apām
4 trailokya-viraḥ smaro nistandrāḥ kumudākarā mrigadṛiso viśranta-mānādhayaḥ | yasminn-abbyndité
5 chakōra-nagar-ábhōgō subhiksh-otsavaḥ tami-vallabhah || (2) Vamso
6 tasy-abhyudayini sadãohara-charya-niraḍhi-praudhaṁ Radham-akalita-charair-bhishayanto snubhavaiḥ | Śasva
jajñire rajaputtraḥ (3) Teshām=vam.
mahanja priya-kumuda-van-öllä
9 -sa-lila-mrigankaḥ
sa Srikantha-siromapir-vvijayatē devas
kirtty-ullolaiḥ mapita-viyats
-sailaḥ satyasilo ni
10 rupadhi-karuna-dhāma Samanta-senaḥ || (4) Tasmād-ajani Vrisha-dhvaja-charanamvu(mba)ja-shaṭpado gun-abbaraṇaḥ |
11 Hemanta-sena-devo vairi-sarab-pralaya-hêmantah (5) Lakshmi-mh-artia-degdh amvu (mbu)dhi-valana-raya-éraddhaya Ma
12 -dhavena pratyāvṛitta-pravah-ochchhalita-suradhuni-sankaya Sankarēņa | hamsa
1 Expressed by a symbol.
13 nija-pad-ahaṁyuna viśvadhātrā
kirttay o
yasya drishṭaḥ || (6*) Ta
14 -smad-abhüd-akhila-pa(r) tthiva-chakravartti nirvyāja-vikrama-tiraskrita-Sahasankaḥ | dik-pala-chakra-pa