It begins with the Mahajanas or Brahman burgesses (u. 10-23): “This is the municipal constitution for the Mahajanas. A tax that every) occupied house shall pay once every year! in the month of Vaisakha to the governors of the district: each several household for festival expenses (?), the highest households (paying) ten panas, the intermediate households seven panas, the lower five, the lowest three : all previous usages, viz., puttige, ... fines for theft and minor delinquencies, (fines for the ten offences, likewise what is known as property of childless persons : (all these) shall be paid in to the guild there in the month of Kārttika. A guttat shall be paid for (P to the rūva in the month of Magha." Then after a reference, unfortunately only half legible, to the government of pandis and settis in the town (11. 28-24), we have the article on the braziers (11. 24-29): "For the guild of braziers (every) occupied house (shall pay) for festival expenses (?), the highest households twenty palas... the intermediate fifteen, the lower ten, the lowest five; total, one tole." Next to be mentioned are the oilmen; but the articles from this point (1. 29) to 1. 35 are very obscure and the reading in many places doubtful. Then come about ten lines which are almost wholly illegible. They cover the bottom of the first face and the top of the second face. On l. 46, the fourth line of the second face, we find a distinct change in the character of the writing; it has become larger, and more coarse and clumsy. Possibly this change may have began from the first line of the second face (1. 41); bat 11. 41-45 are too much defaced to allow of any conclusions of the kind.
LI. 46-55 record a supplementary endowment: " Also the field granted to (?) the ara of the fortunate Kupparma the three-hundred households and the Gámuoda of the province, together with the godigar (?), have granted. He who may appropriate it shall be accounted equal to persons who should destroy Benares, .(or) persons who should kill a thousand Bråbmans and a thousand cows."
First face. 1 [Om] Svasti sri-Vikrama2 ditya-yuvarājar Pori3 gerøyä mahājanakkum 184 garakkum padinentum prakritigalgum 5 kotta achāra-vyavasthi(sthe) [*] rāja6 parashar-mmanegaļo! Vid=illada7 du raja-dattam raja-brivitam saptra8 mes maryyade tämbra-kisanam bhukt-- 9 nubhogam . *9 aydum dharmmada ji10 vitangaļån=kávodu. [lo] idu mahājanakke 11 nagara-maryyāde mane vidillädadu 12 Or-älke ormme Vaisakha-måsadu! 13 defadhipatigal-apporgge kuduva 14 tere uttamam=appa okkal-mi 10
1 Understanding al s-the Tamil and.. * Probably kind of measure ; or possibly tax on births. . See J. Jolly, Recht und Sitte, p. 193 f.
• Mr. Narmimbachar suggests connection between this word wad guftiga (contract or monopoly, or tar thereon).
Thus the local tolo (tula) contained 50 palas. • Prom the impressions.
I conclude that the insoription began with the symbol for on, there is a space for it, on which the stone is badly worn.
Read eat-prane. • These two akakaras are very uncertain. The Arst looks like bla, but it might be cha; the rootd is like a da with the top curfed back towards the left, and is rarmounted by the sign for the vowel
10 The mi is not quite certain, and the next syllable is quite illegible.