Fifth Plate : First Side. 81 तराशीतिखारिकाः । [। ५८] इति सुविदितपारपहारस्य लक्ष्मीक्षिति
निजपतये प्रत्यर्पितस्थान82 सिध्यै ।' विदधत विभविष्यभूमिपाशासनं श्रीक्षितिघनकरुणायै काल83 माचंद्रतारं ॥[५८ ] सर्वदेशदशाकालेष्वव्याहतपराक्रमा । रामानुजार्य
दिव्यता वर्तता84 मभिवर्धता n[at] 85 सामान्योयं धर्मसेतुपाणां काले काले पालनिप्यो भवभिः' सोने86 ताम्भाविनः पाविद्राग्भूयो भूयो याचिते' रामचंद्रः ।।१॥*] स्व- . 87 दत्ताहिगुणं पुण्यं परदत्तानुपालनं । परदत्तापहारेण खदत्तं निष्पलं' 88 भवेत् ।[
10] एकैव भगिनी खोके सर्वेषामेव भूभुजां । न भोग्या
न करनाचा विप्रदत्ता वसुंध]89 रा [३ ]
Verse 1. Invocation to Siva, Parvati, Ganesa and the Moon. V.2. Invocation to Sveta-Varsha, the third incarnation of Vishpu. V. 8. States that the present age is known as the Kali Yuga.
V. 4. States that the portion of the earth stretching from the Himalayas to the southern 000mn is called the Bharata-varsha.
1.5. Gives the boundaries of the Telinga-dada situated in the Bharata-varsha, as follow:-On its north is the kingdom of Kanyakabja, on the south the Påndya country and on the west the Maharashtra.
V. 6. The Telinga country was once ruled over by a king named Kēšami Niyaka. .
V. 7. His two ancestors, who belonged to family known as the Mañchikoņda family. wers originally brought down to the Telinga country from the Gangetio valley by a king named Mukkanţi.
V. 8. These two founded the city of Mafchikonda after their names, and their descondants were also known as of the Mañohikonda götra.
Vv. 9-10. On the death of Késami Nayaka his son Ganape ascended the throno. Vv. 11-13. Ganapa was succeeded by Kuns. V. 14. Mummadi Nayaka was the son of Küns. V.15. He married the daughter of the sister of Kapaya Nayaka.
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