Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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103 / जैनों का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, दर्शन, व्यवहार एवं वैज्ञानिक आधार
from still higher stages, and is only an itnerim stop, here for further fall or rise and therefore lasts only hardly some instants. It gives an after taste of those merits earlier achieved, as one feels on vomiting sweet kheer (Porridge).
3. 3rd stage is Samyag Mithyādrasti, when the soul at 1st stage has suffered incalculably, getting as the stones in the river-bed, rounded in ages, the soul gets glimpses of right and wrong. It is at crossroad to choose which path to move, in it is a mixed feeling, a state of indecision, to adopt upward or downward course.
4. The soul reaching the IVth stage i.e. on the suppression of virulent, forms of anger, pride etc and introspection, 'Avirat-samyag-drasti' realizes a radical change in it's attiutde and views. It is real foundation of the edifice of liberation because it cares for truth, has an enlightened world of things and a will to practise the principles i.e. Deshvirat gunsthan.
5. In the Vth stage the individual willingly undertakes vows like nonviolence, truth, non stealing, non acquisition (or limiting extent of it) and abstinence even (from family).
6. At VI stage, 'pramattaa samyat' he realizes that the lure of family bondage comes in his rising further and therefore the value of vows in staunch form, dawns on him, say following actively these vows himself or stopping dereliction for him or through others, or even disapproving the trangressions by