Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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167/जैनों का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, दर्शन, व्यवहार एवं वैज्ञानिक आधार
Tatpradosa nihnava mātsaryā ntaraya sādano paghātā jnānadarsanāvaranayoh
(6.11, Tattavarth Sutra) MEANING :- Out of the causes that result in binding of intuition, covering, or knowledge obscuring Karmas, the most fundamental ones, are six and are same for both. It is because the moment one sees or feels a thing one starts knowing about it. When we envy some one's achievements or conceal our knoweldge with motive, that others may not know and feel equal, or feel jealous of the learned person or of means of knowledge scriptures etc. and indulge in slander, libel, contempt and condemnation of scripture or hold the other worthless for hearing; one binds these self- destructive- karmas of knowledge, intuition obscuring karmas. दुःखशोकतापाक्रन्दनवधपरिदेवनान्यात्मपरोभयस्थानान्यस
(6:12, तत्वार्थ सूत्र) अर्थ:- असातावेदनीय का आस्रव निज पर तथा दोनों के विषय में स्थित दुख, शोक, ताप, आक्रन्दन विलाप, ताड़न, वर्जन आघातं से होता है। हालाँकि चिकित्सक या महात्मा या तपस्वी जो स्वयं के या अन्य के हित से कार्य करता है, उनके यह सब बंध नहीं होता है।
dukha sokatāpa krandana vadha paridevanāny ātma parobhay asthanānya sa devedyāsya
(6.12, Tattavarth Sutra)