Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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A case for Vegetarianism/242
of protein can be obtained alternatively from one or twospoonfuls of milk or curd which is such a humane way of 'live and let live', befitting human beings using discretion, the greatest gift of God to man alone.
In criminal Law mensrea determines the guilt, so it is in spiriutal world. If we act cautiously to avoid killing beings, or hurting them physically or mentally while walking, talking, eating, speaking, lifting or placing or disposing things and yet if death etc. occurs we are not guilty of killing; as a doctor might cause death of a patient while fully cautiously and ably acting to save him, thus escapes guilt. This logic is based on Jainism and probably found in all rational faiths. There is no intentional killing-Bhava-Himsa', although it may result in death by 'Dravya- Himsa'.
In contrast to it, is positive killing of beings, say five sensed, down to even two sensed i.e. from human beings, elephant etc. to small yet visible insect etc because we feel for taking their lives in the scale of evolution, due to their akinness of flesh, blood even feelings as our own. Thus non vegetarianism negates truth and non-violence. Every one wants to live happily Thus bible also says, "You shall not kill", Janism says, "Live and let live".
Cruelty and killing even in name of some old faiths by scuttling any animal, or by maiming it or wounding and piercing by spears and then slicing it alive for killing, or cutting it in a stroke to terminate its life, negates truth of clinging to life by every one. So also in abattoirs and other places killing of animals for food and trading in it,