Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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Jain Religion and Modern Science/264
particle in that box can be in box A, or in box B, in A and still not in A, in B and still not in B, not in A and B. These may be put differently, say [1] positive or [2] negative or [3] mixture of positive and negative or [4] inexpressible [Avyakta] or [5] positive inexpressible or [6] negative inexpressible or [7] mixture of positive negative inexpressible. With multifarious properties of elementary particles dealt by quantum ,any definite view would be crazy and most uncertain; yet much progress in the world due to these discoveries has been made .In certain ranges the principles were found applicable facilitating growth of television, mobiles, internets, in fields of biology etc., etc. W.Heisenberg propounded new law of ‘uncertainty' for quantum- mechanics; while old law of say gravity, existing
Then Neil Bohr gave principle of complementarity : Most of the apparently contradictory properties were complementary like Chinese concept of Yin and Yang. day and night , labour and rest, mobile and fixed beings, opposites existing together. Carrier particles say photon, gravion, W.Boson and quarks.
Experiments are conducted with cooperation of world's scientists at Cleveland[England) and at CERN (Europe) to find Higgs Boson or God's particle, which lends mass to other particles. The search is on in about 20 km long tunnel by smashing protons at a speed of light to know conditions that prevailed at big - bang. At Cleveland properties of dark-matter and dark energy are specially searched along with Higgs- Boson. Then is the principle of exclusion –no identical particles can coexist as Kabir said, "When I am there, God is not there and