Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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कर्मबन्धन के कारण एवं क्षय तत्वार्थ के आलोक में/170
MEANING:- The great rishies i.e. asceties, by shedding karmas have gained omniscience i.e. 'kewal' and so are 'Arhats' having destroyed soul-impedingkarmas i.e. knowledge, faith, conduct and soul's potencyobscuring Karmas. They have preached and guided path of emancipation. This knowledge being handed over to their immediate disciples of great learning and sacrifices, was reduced to twelve canonical texts like 'Achārang' etc called knowledge through 'audition' i.e. 'Srut'. Then vast commentaries were added to it, called 'Upang' by great scholarly saints. Four fold order was formed of male and female saints and male and female laytees. The religion being followed by them is based on non-violence, abstinence and penances. There are four types of Gods and Goddesses as mentioned earlier in Chapter4:1. To malign such faith or scriptures, talk evil of all of them or any one of them, is to commit sin which results in influx of faith, deluding karmas, which will obscure vision and truth or its further discovery.
(6.15) अर्थ- कषायों के उदय से जो आत्मा के तीव्र कुलषित परिणाम होते हैं, उनसे चारित्र मोहनीय कर्म का आस्रव होता है। कषाय-क्रोध, मान, माया, लोभ हैं। उपकषाय- हास्य, रति, अरति, भय, शोक, जुगुप्सा, स्त्रीवेद, पुरूषवेद एवं नपुंसक वेद हैं। इन उपकषायों की उतेजना से कषाय और भड़कते हैं। उनके कारण सच्चे देव, गुरु, धर्म की निंदा, बुरे व्रत एवं बुरी आदत हैं। दुःखी लोगों का उपहास करने या त्यागी एवं व्रतियों का उपहास, गंदे, खेलकूद, क्रीड़ा में रूचि लेने या विदूषकों की तरह औरों का