Book Title: Jaino Ka Itihas Darshan Vyavahar Evam Vaignanik Adhar
Author(s): Chhaganlal Jain, Santosh Jain, Tara Jain
Publisher: Rajasthani Granthagar
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171 / जैनों का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, दर्शन, व्यवहार एवं वैज्ञानिक आधार
विनोद करने, व्रतों से बचने की प्रवृति, अन्य लोगों में असंतोष की भावना भड़काने से, गंदी भीड़ में भाग लेने से, दुखी बनने या अन्य को दुखी बनाने की प्रवृत्ति से, औरों के श्रेष्ठ कार्यों को भी हीन बताने से, अधिक व्यसनी, लालची, झूठा बनने से भी कषायों एवं उपकषायों के तीव्र परिणाम बनते हैं। जो चरित्र मोहनीय कर्म के आस्रव हैं।
Kasayodayat tivrātma parinams cāritramohasya (6.15, Tattavarth Sutra )
MEANING:- As a result of rising of acute passions, there is an influx of the conduct- deluding Karmas, to the extent of nursing of gravity of passions, which are anger, " pride, deceit, and greed. The sub passions are laughter, relish, envy, grief, fear, abhorrence, feminine, masculine and hermaphroditic sexuality passions which further feed on passions. Main causes of indulging in virulent passionate activity are slander against right faith or enlightended view, God, preceptor and religion, or having bad habits and making bad vows. They may be further elaborated as mocking at persons in distress or at practitioners of vows, deriving pleasure in unwholesome sports or buffoning, disinclination to take vows, or taking positively bad vows. Stirring dissatisfaction in others, associating with vile crowd, feeling grieved, feared and making others dejected, criticising even the praise worthy acts of others, being voluptuous, greedy, untruthful etc.
ब्रारम्भ परिग्रहत्वं च नारकस्यायुषः
(6:16, तत्वार्थ सूत्र )