No. 7.]
But the letter tha is not doubled in such a position (e.g. odrthavaha, 1. 4), as it is in Plate No. 1; (2) m instead of anusvāra is wrongly joined with va, as in samuyavaharati, I. 5, and samuyavaharibhih, 1. 10, but rightly with ba as in 'sambaddha, 1. 11; (3) the sign of avagraha is not used in dānäch=chhrēyo=nupālanan, 1. 12.
The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and the whole inscription, with the exception of the two benefactory and imprecatory verses in lines 11-13, is in prose. The use of the affix ka with some words is noticeable in this plate also, as in Plate No. 1. The inscription is dated in the year 129, which is.to be regarded as belonging to the Gupta era, equivalent therefore to 448-49 A.D. The day is mentioned as the thirteenth of the month Vaisakha. Hence this plate was issued four years and two months after Plate No. 1, during the reign of the same imperial Gupta ruler, Kumāra-gupta I.
The object of the inscription is to record a purchase of land (the measurement of which is not clear owing to corrosion) made by a person (the name is undecipherable) who appears to have been a Brāhmaṇa, for the purpose of conducting his five daily sacrifices. The official staff in the vishaya of Köțivarsha in the province (bhuktı) of Pundravardhana is the game as in Plate No. 1. For details of contents vide the introductory portion of this paper.
First Side. 1 म[] १.०,२०, वैशाख दि १०,३ पर[मदेव]तपरमभट्टारकमहाराजा
धिराज श्री] [कुमा*]2 रगुप्ते पृथिवीपती [तत्पाद]परिग्रहीतस्य पुगिङ्ग]वई नभुक्तावुप[रिकचि]रात
दत्त[स्य] . 3 भोगना नुव][मानक]कोटिव[प]विषये तत्रियुक्तककु[मा]रामात्यवे[त्र]4 वर्मणि अधिष्ठाना[धिक][णच्च] नगर[]ष्ठितिपालसार्थवा[हवन्धमि]
त्रपथ] 5 मकुलिकतिमित्र प्रथ]मकायस्थ[शाम्ब]पालपुरो[गे] सम्व्यव[हर]ति...
स. . . 6 विज्ञापितं अई]थ मम पञ्चमहायज्ञप्रवर्तनायानुवृत्ताप्रदाक्षयनि... -7 मर्यादया दातुमिति एतद्दिज्ञाप्यमुपलभ्य पुस्तपाल]रिसिदत्तजयन[न्दि
[वि. . . 8 धारणया दीयतामित्यु[त्य] वे एतस्माद्य[था नुवत्तवेदीनारि[क्यकु]ल्यवाप[न]
Second Side. . 9 [यमुप[संर] [ऐरावता[गो]राज्ये पश्चिण (म)दिशि पञ्चद्रोणा]10 [म]काः []पानका सहितति(ता इति) दत्ताः [1] तदुत्तरकालं
सम्व्यवहारिभिः [धर्ममवेक्ष्या नाम]-.
1 This illegible portion appears to have contained the name of the applicant for land-purchase. + [Read प्रदाचयमीवी-?-Ed.]
[For °मका परह?- Ed.]