1. 10, or in atra, 1. 8, and in satra, 1. 9); (3) the letter sa replaces a visarga, e.g. in văstubhis-saha, 1. 15, pitsibhis-saha, 1. 20, and räjabhis-Sagarādibhih, l. 21; (4) the sign of avagraha is not used as in "vikrayo=nuusittah, 1. 7, "vandfrumaka-pi, 1. 16; (5) sandhi is neglected in samvyavaharibhih dēva., 1. 19; (6) virāma m bas sometimes been joined with the following va, e.g. in paradattām=vā, 1. 20. From a linguistic point of view it may be noticed. that the affix ka is superfluously used along with some words, e.g. in anuvahama[na]ka, I. 3, niyuktaka, 1. 4, and "Kulaputtraka, 1. 6. Numerical symbols for 200, 10, and 4 are used in recording the dato in years (214 G.E.=433-34 A.D.), and a symbol for the number 5 is also used to denote the date of the month of Bhadra in l. 1. The plate refers to the temple of one of the two gods referred to in Plate No. 4, viz. the temple of Svētavaraha-svämin; so it may be noi very far removed in age from that plate,
The language of the inscription, with the exception of the three imprecatory verses in 11. 20-22, is in Sanskrit prose.
The objoct is to record the purchase of some lands by Ampitadova, a nobleman (kulaputra) from AyodhyĀ, who had applied to the local government of Kotivarsha vishaya, situated in the bhukti of Pandravardhana. For further details of the contents vide the introductory portion of this paper.
I have not as yet succeeded in identifying the geographical names that occur in 11. 15-17, where the situations of the kulyavāpas of land purchased are mentioned. The names of the places are Svachchhandapātaka, 1. 15, Lavangasikā, 1. 15, Satuvanāśramaka, 1. 16, Paraspstikā, 1. 16, Jambūna[di], 1. 17, and Puraņavsindikahari., 1. 17. There are two places of the name of Brindakoooree, about two miles north of the Palasbari, situated about 14 miles due north of the find-place. It is not easy, however, to say whether this Brindakooree is the same as Vrindikahari. It is a misfortune that the name of the imperial monarch, or rather a space per mitting of two letters only of the name after Sri, is missing from the end of line 1, the second line commencing with the letters .gupta. From the date and other circumstances it is very probable that the ruling sovereign was Bhānu-gupta (?).
First Side. 1 [m] 700,20,8 H F M ATATANUTAHEITFA[ET]
THAT'[xx]. 2 गुप्ते पृथिवीपतो तत्पादपरिष्टहीते (त) [स्य"] पुण्ड्रवईनभुक्तावुपरि[कमहा.
12x x 3 tagu TheTTaR e kamaganat[] tlfzalon
fau[] 9 4 fagara [**]sfaquufreunaa vfustalfano[*] Moda
[a][=fefry]yra. । सास्थवाहस्थाणुदत्तप्रथमकुलिकमतिदत्तप्रथमकायस्थ स्कन्दपालपुरोगे
[9] fa
Only two letters seem to be cut off from the portion of this plate and lost. Were they arep