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enjoyed religious merit, wealth and pleasure without allowing them to overpower one another; whose profound and high mind was gratified only by snbmission; who acted piously by making donations of the ample riches got by protecting his subjects well; who reinstated royal families that had been deposed for a long time; who annihilated those that were very proud ; who gave to the poor, the blind and the helpless the objects of their desire more fully than they yearned after.
(L. 14.) His son, who meditates on his feet, the only ornament of the whole earth ; who is possessed of all the most famous qualities, good conduct, modesty, mercy, liberality, ability, courtesy, fortitude, heroism, steadiness and others; who causes the destruction of the greatness of vanity produced from power of mighty enemies; who is a dam of all settled rules and a home of success; who with his unobstructed army relieves the sufferings of his subjects like the wielder of the discus (Vish ) with his diso incapable of being opposed; the zealons devotee of Mahēšvara, the glorious Buddharāja gives this order to all kings, tributary princes, Bhõgikas, rulers of vishayas, heads of provinces and villages, and big officers and others.
(L. 18.) Let it be known to you. To promote the religions merit of our parents and ourselves we have given with libations of water, the village of the Köniyas, in the Vatanagara-bhoga, which is near Bhattaürikā, together with the udranja, the uparikara, and all receipts, free from all ditya, forced labour and pratibhēdikā, according to the maxim of bhümichchhidra, not to be entered by swindlers and servants who are liars to be enjoyed by sons, sons' sons and further descendants (i.., the enjoyment of which is to be hereditary), as long as the moon, the sun, the Rea and the earth exist, -to the Brāhmaṇa Bodhasvămin, who resides at Vatanagara, belongs to the Kaśyapa gotra, and to the Vájasaneya-Madhyandina school, for the maintenance of bali, charu cassuadēva, agnihotra and other rites. For which reason future kings and governors, whether of our own lineage or others, considering that this worldly existence is as unsteady as the waves of water impelled by violent wind, that wealth is perishable and worthless (devoid of substance) and that virtues last long, desiroas of obtaining, in common with us, the merit of this grant of land and anxious to acquire for a long time fame as bright as the rays of the nioon, should agree to and protect our gift. Whoever with his intellect covered by the coating of the darkness of ignorance, should revoke it or allow it to be revoked, shall incur the guilt of having committed the five great sins. It has been declared by the holy Vyāsa, the arranger of the Vedas: “He who gives land rejoices in heaven for sixty thousand years; he who rescinds (grants of) land or consents to their being rescinded, will dwell in hell for the same number of years." "Those who resume grants of land, are born as black serpents, living in dry hollows (of trees) in the waterless forests of Vindhya." "Land has been enjoyed by many kings from Sagara downwards; he who for the time being is the lord of the land, has the fruit of it." "O Yudhishthira, carefully preserve the land given to Brāhmaṇas by former kings, O best of kings; preservation is better than giving." "What good man would seize the gifts bestowed formerly by kings, yielding religious merit, riches and renown, which may be likened to used wreaths."
(L. 32.) In three hundred years, increased by sixty, on the thirteenth tithi of the bright half of Bhadrapada, at the request of the queen of the worshipper of Pasupati, queen Anantamahāyi, this charter, the dūtaka of which is the prosperous Prasahyavigraha, the great (officer) appointed over the army-was written by Anáphita, the high officer entrusted with the arrangement of) peace and war.
The year 300 80 Bhadrapada su 10 3.
1 I have followed Professor Pathak's rendering of this phrase above, Vol. IX, pp. 296 and ., as I think it correct Another explanation of chata, which I think preferable, is mentioned above, Vol. IX, p. 284, note 10.8. K.]
It will be seen that the dataka is the same as in the Sarsavņi grant, above Vol. VI, pp. 294 ff.