41 37 vo(bo) dhayati samadišati cha matam=astu bha[va*]täh (1) yath=Öpari-likhita
bhūmir=iyam sya38 sim-ávachchhinna třiņa-pâti-gochara-paryyanta satalá soddeśa sãmrapa nasa 8889 guvāka-nälikērā salavaņā sajalastha[la*] sagarttoshară sahya-daśaparādbā pari40 hpita-sarvapida achada(ta)-bhada (ta)-pravēsa akiñchit-pragrähyä samasta-räja
bhoga-ka41 ra-hiranya-pratyaya-sahitä Sävaruna-sagotrāya Bhriga-Chyavana-Apnavåna-Au42 ryva-Jamadagni-pravarāya Vajasaněya-charaṇaya Yajurvvėda-Kanva-sakh-adhyayi43 në Madhyadēga-vinirggatasya] Uttara-Rādhāyān Siddhala-grāmiya-Pità mva(mba)
radēva44 sarmmaṇaḥ prapautrāya Jagannathadēva-sarmmaṇaḥ pautrāya Višvarūpadēva
sarmma45 nah putriya Santyagar-adhikrita-bri-Råmadēva-sarmmaņē () Srimata Bhoja46 varmma-dēvēna punyo ahani vidhivad=udaka-pārvakam kļitvi bhagavantan
Väsudēva-bha47 ttārakam=uddiśya mātā-pitror=ătmanaś=cha punya-yaso-bhivriddhayē ā-chandr-arkan kshi48 ti-samakālam yavat bhu(bhu)michchhidra-nyayêna śrimad-Vishņu-chakra-mudraya
támrasa49 sanikritya pradatt-ismäbhiḥ || Bhavanti ch=ātra dharmm-anusausinah slokäh 11 50 Sva-dattām-para-dattām=vå yo haréta vasundharam [l] sa vishthayam kļiimir=%
bhūtvä pitsibhiḥ saha pa51 chyatö || [16*] Srimad Bhojavarmmadēvapädiya-samvat 5 Sravana-dinē 14 ni anu mahäksha ni
TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) In this universe, Atri, the sage of the gods, was an offspring of Svayambhū (Brahmā). From the light of his eyes the moon was born.
(V. 2.) From him sprang Budha, the son of Rohini, and from him Paräravas, the son of lla, who was chosen by fame (kirti), by Urvasi, and by Earth.
(V. 3.) He again, the equal of Manu, begot Ayu; from that king was born the protector of the earth Nahusha; from him was born the great king Yayāti; he again got the son Yada ; from him starts this line of kings, wherein the goddess of valour (viraßri*), and Hari were many times seen in person.
(V. 4.) In this family again appeared Krishna, who sported with hundreds of gõpis, the chief actor of the Mahābhārata, the worshipful one, a partial'incarnation of the Lord, who raised the burden of the Earth.
(V.5.) (The knowledge of the three Vēdas is a covering for men, and those who are devoid of it are certainly naked', (thinking) so the kinsmen of Hari, the Varmans, mailing themselves with their hairs standing on end in their enthusiasm for the three Vidas and for marvellous fights, and wearing the very solemn name and possessing noble arms, occupied Simhapura, which may be likened to the cave of lions. 1 Metre: Anushta bh.
? Read krimir. : Kirtti was also the name of the chowrie-bearer of Purūravas; cf. Matsyapurāna XXIV, 14. • C£. verses 4 and 8 below.
• There is an implied reference to the nagnas, mendicants that did not submit to the Vodas: of. Märkandēyapurana.
Yeahan kule na vēdössti na fästrain nsaioa cha tratam
të nagnakirttita sadbhis-tēsham-annan vigari tam Similarly, we find in the Vishņupurana, III, xvii, 5,- Rig-yajun-sama-samti-eyam trayi parnaoritiradoija!
ētām-wijhati yo-möhāt sa nagnal påtaki mpita 11 See Wilson's note in his translation of this passage. The wording of the inscription most closely agrees with the Vayaparāņa.