No. 32.]
(Verse 72)-To that same con ple, who were deemed to be truly blessed by sons distinguished in the manner mentioned, was [algo] born Ravidēva, a favourite of fortune, stainless of virtues, causing them exceeding delight.
(Verse 3)-When it is said that as the Moon was born to the Milk-Ocean, as Kumāra was born as a son to the God of Gods, as the (God) of the Flower-Bow to Mura's Slayer, as Jayanta to Sakra, so the general Ravidēva was born as son to the worthy Koppadēva, is it necessary to praise his exaltation (any further]?
(Verse 74)- A8 Paloma's daughter [Sachi] was beloved to Dövēndra [Indra], as the blessed goddess of speech (Sarasvati] to the Eldest of the gods (Brahman), as Gaari to Him [siva) who wears the moon as ornament, as the lotus-dwelling Lady [Lakshmi] to the Lotuseyed [Vishnu), so to that noble man was the virtuous Dēvalabbe beloved ; this said, how can the panegyrist discant further on this matter?
(Verse 75) - The famous Nāchans; his younger brother, Koppa; his younger brother, Vāvana; his younger brother, Rēvaņa; his younger brother, Sovaņa; these were his sons, masters of all the sciences, vessels of righteousness: when this is said, who are so happy on this earth as that noble man?
(Verse 76)-In view of the fact that the Lotus-eyed was his patron deity, that Traiļokyamalla, praised throughout the world, was his king, that Koppana was his father, that Pampadēvi was his mother, that Srivara, famous over the earth, was his younger brother, and that Nachi, a man of exalted career, was his eldest son, truly Raviga is blessed, a tree of desire to the world.
(Verse 77)-A tree of paradise whereon to lay poetry's plant of desire, a moon to illumine the ocean of grammatical science, a sun to irradiate the stainless sky of logic, a jewel lamp to give light in the bower where sport the principles of the holy traditions, is the general Ravi, the light of his family, & tree of desire to his kinsmen.
(Verse 78)-It is no matter for (mere) conjecture that, when he plays music, those swelling quivering instants display the regular character of a (painted] wall-surface (or, display regularity of division), correot decorative lines (or, correct tones) being duly separated and combined : and this same person, a blessed Brahman-vidyadhara (master of art, or demigod) knows how to write properly many [kinds of] writing, to such a degree that it is said : "Say ! does even Padmagarbha (Brahman] know how to write thus ?"
(Verse 79)-The unique manner in which the general Ravi makes music, combining smoothness and sweetness in a singular manner, so that it is said: "is not this a downpour of fresh honey, or a river of nectar, that is falling upon as ?" say! does it not cause delight to the ear of the whole world ?
(Verse 80)-This noble world-renowned man obtained the office of L&ļa-samdhi. vigrahin from the earth's favourite Āhavamalla-[8ômēsvara I), having gained his approval by the splendour of his vast learning.
(Verse 81)-By the gift by the king of [that] office, which is pleasing above [other offices, he obtained it. being & moon in the firmament of his own race, that treasury of sages, and a sun to the lotus-lake of his kindred.
Moreover :-(Vorse 82)-By gift, through great kindness, of that same king, who was pleased with him, he obtained the rich villages of Mukkunde, Gangapura, and Ehor; and
1 The Vidyadharas were skilled in music as well as in other things.
1 The VikramdAkadēvacharitra, III, 17 (and see Ind. Aut., Vol. V, p. 319) speaks of Vikramiditya VI AS attaining, as a child, high skill in all the various kinds of writing (sarvan lipishw).