Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 12
Author(s): Sten Konow
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 349
________________ 290 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XII. destitute Brāhmaṇs and others, to the Acharya of that place, the fortunate isānarasi-pandita, a disciple's disciple of Chikkadēva of Miriñje, a disciple of Maleyāļa-paydita-dēva, of a branchbody of the congregation of Elemela-Simha, there are given, with the pouring out of water : (L. 229)- In the lands of Kiriya-Beļļumbatti in the Nariyumbole seventy, one hundred and fifty mattars of black-soil measured out in the staff of Oyantara-Malls of the gadimba of the tirtha of Clarāve. [Also] on the west of Piriya-Bellumbatti in the Sagara three-hun. dred, there are assigued ten mattars, in that same staff, on which the people who make the god's land bear fruit have built houses, giving it the name of Sivapura, for the purpose of accoptance. [Also in the kuli-lands on the worth of Ehūr, on the south of the field of the god Isapośvara, there are assigned fifty mattars in the staff of Dānavinoda of thirty-five spans. [Also] at that same place, in that same staff, below the tank of Annama-gāvunds, there is assigned one mattar of rice-land on the south of the rice-land of the god Isapēśvara. (Also) at that same place, in that same staff, one mattar of gardon-land on the west of the garden-land of the god Isapēśvara. [Also] as a settlement of the god, for acceptance by the attendants and for the Brāhmans of the Brāhman ward, one street, the big one, of the ward consisting of a block of several streets up to the garden-land on the north of the shops of Ehür, and the west of the temple of the god Somośvara. (Also) to the Brāhmans of the Brāhman ward there are assigned one hundred mattars of arable laud, in the staff of Elarăve, in the lands of Kiriya-Bellumbatti. [Also] to them, in the staff of Elarāve, there are assigned seventy mattars in the hundred mattars of arable land of the ede-fields. [Also) at that same place, for the choultry there are assigned thirty mattars. Total, four hundred and twelve mattars: in figures 412. (L. 255)-Everywhere in this land they made as property of the god, free from all opposing claims, everything that comes under the head of tolls, imposts, tēja-svamya, etc., and tēja. If any whosoever of those who have tēja are found pointing at it with the finger fof confiscation or interference), saying :-"I do not approve," [their act] is not valid. They have assigned it as a grant to be respected by all, with conveyance of everything included in the tribloga", and along with the ancient well-known boundaries. (L. 260)-To those who preserve this pious foundation the fruit thereof will be as though they should make in gold at Kurukshetra the horns and hoofs of a thousand kine, and give them in an eclipse of the sun to a Brāhman who is a master of the Four Vedas; for those who destroy this pious foundation the guilt will be the same as if they should destroy at Benares a thousand kine or a thousand Brābmans who are masters of the Four Vēdas! "This general principle of law for kings must be maintained by you in every age"; again and again Rāmabhadra makes this entreaty to all these fortunate monarcbs! He who should take away land, whether granted by himself or by others, is born as a worm in dang for sixty thousand years! Sagara and many other kings have made grants of land; whosoever holds the soil at any time, to him [accrues) at that time the reward [for preserving grants that have been made]! I clasp my hands in reverence to those future sovereigns on the earth, whether born of my own line or of the lines of other kings, who with souls free from sin shall preserve this my pious foundation in its entirety! (L. 276)-Whether they are Acharyas of this establishment or ascetics, it is not open to any persons except such as observe strict celibacy to abide in the monastery : the villagers, the burghers, and the king, in concert, shall expel those who do not observe celibacy: if, being unwilling to go forth, they shall attempt to shew contumacy, [ they are like ] dogs, asses, and Chapdālas ; moreover : Whether it be the head of the establishment, or the Gorava, or For pådamüla in the sense of attendant'seo Kielhorn in Ind. Ant., Vol. XXVII, p. 262: seo also Vol. XV, p. 89, verse 74, for an instance of pada bula instead of padamüla. In my rendering of line 75 of the record on the Nilgunda plates, for "attendauce upon the sacred presence" (p. 146, 1, 11) read "attendants and retinue." . On the meaning of this term pee Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 271. "A Baiva ascetic.


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