Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 12
Author(s): Sten Konow
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 351
________________ 292 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XII. the rights called manneya-samya at the two towns (eradu i-bāda) of Karadikal and Küdalige in the Kembavi twenty-four and at Nagaravura in the Sagara three-hundred. The date on which that was done is given (11. 41-43) 19:-Sa(Sa)ka-varsha 976neya Jayasamvatsa ada Pushya-masado!-uttarayaņa-samkräitiy-arda ;3 " at the winter solstice in the month Pushya (Pausha) of the Jaya samvatsara which is the 976th Saka year." The correspouding English date is 24 December, A.D. 1054. From the date thus given for Rivarasa, it follows that the Jagadēkamalla in connection with whom he is mentioned in the Yēwūr inscription A must be the first Jogadēkamalla, that is Jayasimha II, for whom we have dates running from A.D. 1018 to 1049. That record, accordingly, may be placed about A.D. 1040. Some remarks may be added on certain details in this Kembhavi inscription. What was exactly the Ayyan-anraya or "lineage of Ayyana" is not known at present. But the name Ahihaya was, as we have seen, a variant of Haibaya; and there was probably an original connection of some kind between these local Abibayas and the Kalachuri kings of Chēdi, who were Haihayas.? We know, at any rate, that the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya II (A.D. 733.746) married two Haihaya princesses, and that about a century and a half later the Rashtakuta kings Krishọa II, Jagattunga 11, and Indra III had Haihaya wives and such alliances would easily lead to an introduction of other members of the same stock into the Chalukya and Rasbtrakniti dominions, and to their settlement there. There seems to have been quite a group of these local Ahihayas in the Gulbarga District. Other branches of the "Ahihaya race" and "the lineage of Ayyaņa" are mentioned in other n cords from that locality. Two of these are inscriptions at Diggām ve or Degaon' in the Chittipar täluka.10 The dates are illegible ; but the records refer themselves to the reign of Trailokyamalla-(Soměsvara I); that is, to the period from about A.D. 1044 to 1068. The two pricces seem to be the Mahāsāmanta Eragarasa and the Mahäsämanta Sireyamarasa. They are both described as born in the Ahihaya race," " lord of Mabishmati a best of towns," and "a forehead-mark of the family which is the lineage of Ayyaņa." Also, for Eragarasa there is given a short pedigree which claims as its origin "the lineage of Ksitavirya, lord of the city Māhishmati,"11 A third record is an inscription at Ingalige in the same täluka. It refers itself to the reign of Pratápachakravarti-Jagadėkamalla II, and is dated in A.D. 1148. The prince is the 1 These two towns are shown in the maps as Kurdukol', four and a half miles south-east, and Koodulgi, five and a half miles south-south-east, from Kembhavi. This place is shown as Nugroor', five miles corth-east from Kembhavi, and about fifteen miles west-north west from Eagar. # The fortnight, tithi, and weekday are not stated. • Dys. Kan. Pistrs., p. 436. 5 The name Ayyaņa occurs among the Western Chalukyas, in the cases of an elder brother of Jayasinha II. and of an aleged ancestor: see Dyn. Kan. Distrs., pp. 379, 435. But it seems hardly likely that there can be any reference to either of them here. • The name Ahihaya has also been met with in a record of A.D. 1415 from Central Indis: see Kielhorn's List of the Northern Inscriptions, No. 283. * Soe, e.g., Kielhorn's Northern List, Nos. 407, 409, 489. See, e.g., Kio horn's Southern List, No. 48. . See, e.g., ibid., Nos. 86, 91. 105. 30 Elliot MS. Collection, Royal Asiatic Society's copy, Vol. I, pp. 112, 115. 11 Kritaviry, of course, was the father of the Sahasrabahu-Kärtavitya-Arjans who has heen mentioned above : his name was probably used here, instead of bis sou's, sinply to suit the verse. u Elliot MS. Collection, Vol. I, p. 494.


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