Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 12
Author(s): Sten Konow
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 107
________________ 78 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XI. (V. 21.) Whose prosperity was for the benefit of others, who was possessed of elephants and attended by the chief among the learned, and possessed of a well established Capital like a kulāchala, whose height is for the benefit of others, which is haunted by the chief of Vidyadbaran, is rich in elephants, and has a ridge. (V. 22.) The same Syān: dövl also brought forth his younger brother fri-Bhaskaravarman, who like the sun was of incaloulable rise and the abode of all light. (V. 23.) Who though being only one, is, on account of his character, much and simultaneously reflected in the hearts of people, pure like mirrors turned toward him. (V. 24.) Whose mark (i.e. picture) was seen in the houses of kings, untarnished on account of great lustre, like the disc of the sun in several water pots. (V. 25.) Who is without oruelty, easily accessible, of immense effects, and the soles of whose feet are surrounded by people who resort to his protection, like the wish-yielding tree which holds no snakes, which is well growing, abounds in rich fruits, and whose roots are sur. rounded by people who want shade. (Lines 34-44.) Moreover he (Bhāskaravarman, who has been created by the holy lotasborn (god), the cause of the rise, the arranging and the destruction of the Universe, for the proper organization of the duties of (various) castes and stages of life) that had become mixed up; who by (his) rise has made the circle of (related) powers become attached like the Lord of the World (the Sun), whose disc becomes coloured when it rises; who has revealed the light of the Arya religion by dispelling the accumulated darkness of (this) Kali age by making & judicions application of his revenues (like the sun that dispels the accumulated darkness in the Kali age by spreading the mass of its pleasant rays); who has equalled the prowess of the whole ring of his feudatories by the strength of his own arm; who has devised many a way of enjoyment for his hereditary subjects, whose (loyal) devotion to him) was augmented by his steadiness of purpose), modesty and affability; who is adorned with a wonderful ornament of splendid fame made of the flowery words of praise variously composed by hundreds of kings vanquished by him in battle ; whose virtuous activities, like (those of) Sivi were applied in making gifts for the benefit of others; whose powers, as (of) & second preceptor of the gods (Brihaspati), were recognised by others on account of (his) skill in dividing and applying the means of politics that appear in suitable moments ;' whose own conduct was adorned by learning, valour, patience, prowess and good actions ;, who was avoided by faults as if they were overcome on account of (his) taking to the other (i.e. Virtue's) side ; by whom the Laksmist (deities of luck) of Kāmarupa were, as it were, attracted with a staunch incessant excessive passion of love ; Last Plate. (LI. 45-51.) To the south-) west the dried river bed marked by & cut down fig tree; to the west now the boundary of the dried river bed; to the north-west a potter's pit and the Bhuvanapati does not only mean the sun, but also the king who was likewise the Lord of the World. Simi. Jarly mandala means the twelve sorts of powers with which a king hos political relations, and also the dise of the sun. Sivi, son of Ulaars was a famous king whose pious acts of charity are recounted in the Mahabharata. Odoo be gave his own flow to appesse a hawk which pursued a pigeon that took shelter with him, and at another time be sacrificed his own son to feed & brāhmap (see Mahabharata, III, Chapters 196 f.) Guna denotes the six expedients of politics, sandki, vigrada, etc. Guna-pidhi-vidhaga-sashbandha-patuta may also mean skill (patuta) relating to the discrimination of qualities (9) and actions. According to Papini, v, iv, 151, the suffi ka should be added to Lakshmi, if the singular number is intended. It is however doubtful whether the rule should be urged. The simple meaning of the sentence is that Kimarups WM prosperous ander Bhaskaravarman in various waya. Gangimika, now gangina, means a dried river bed. • Adhuna, the rending adopted, mens" now; but why this qualifying word should be used bere, is not aloor.


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