150 चीनिकरान
157 कू वेल ग १कि ९ ।। पंनीरु (1) 158 दंतसु जयादि कर्पूरते
159 लमु रागि तगरमु रि[से] -
160 य भोससु पन्त प
161 वडम् गंध्यद्रव्यालकू
162 नु वेल । ग १कि ९१ । मिरिया
163 ल ल ग
164 वानिक 165 नि
कि e III- पढ्नु एशस्वरूपम् ओकटिकि
५ पोंक तच चोबटिक
166 नि । ग १ ९ ३ । षट्षष्ट्यधिकैकाद
167 प्रथतसंख्ये कोधिनाथ म
169 कर्य । मोहुप्यत्यभिधाने'
169 [[]] मह
170 [ति ॥] [ २८ ॥ *] [ग]णपतिदेवः कील्यै स्थापित
171 [वांछा]सनस्तंभं । कलिका
172 [m] कमलदनादिधर्मा
173 पलंगयष्टिमिव [ २८ ] श्री[ ]
(Line 135.) By this glorious Mahārāja Ganapatidāva the following ediot (assuring) safety has been granted to traders by sea starting for and arriving from all continents, islands, foreign countries, and cities.
(L. 140.) Formerly kings used to take away by force the whole cargo, vis. gold, elephants, horses, gems, etc., carried by ships and vessels which, after they had started from one country for another, were attacked by storms, wrecked, and thrown on shore.
(L. 146.) But We, out of mercy, for the sake of glory and merit, are granting everything besides the fixed duty to those who have incurred the great risk of a sea-voyage with the thought that wealth is more valuable than even life.*
1 Read
The bracketted letters at the beginning of 11. 169-171 are broken away on the original pillar. The reading देश्य in line 169 is warranted by another Motapalli inscription (No. 605 of 1909), which reads Dakyuyya. gopdavattana see Rao Sshib Krishna Sastri's Annual Report for 1909-10, p. 51.
With klipta-sulka cf. klipta-kara in line 85.
Cf. Horace, Carm., I, 1:
"Lactantem Icariis fluctibus Africum
"Mercator metnens otium et oppidi
" Laudat rara sni; mox reficit rates "Quassas, indocilis pauperiem pati."