NO. 21.]
mentioned in oopper-plate grants as having performed the pattabhishēka ceremony for the king. That he was in great power at that time, is evidenced by the large number of inscriptions of Tātāchārya found on the walls of the Varadarājasvāmin temple at Conjeeveram, whither he had removed his quarters in a later period of his life. The author of he Prapannāmpita was the disciple of Ranganatha, the grandson of Lakshmikumāra Tātāchārya and belonged to the family of Andhrapárna (Vadaganambi), one of the favourite disciples of Rāmānuja.
Below are given two lists, the one detailing the donees and the shares they each received etc., and the other giving the names of places occurring in the document, which are as far as possible identified therein with the modern namos.
The person who composed the sasana was Kšish a-kavi Kāmakoti, the grandson of Sabhāpati and the engraver was Viraṇāchārya, the son of Gapapaya. A considerable number of the verses of our document are found in the Mangalampād grant of Venkata I., where it is stated that the composer of the verses was one Chidambara-kavi, sister's son of Sivasürya, the king of poets; whereas the Kiniyür plates, the Viļāppākkam, Kondyāta and Kallakursi grants, which contain many of the same verses as our document, are said to be the composition of Rāma, the son of Kāmakoți and the grandson of Sabhápati; a similar grant belongs to the Kädli Sringeri Svāmi's matha, and the writing is claimed there by Krisbņakavi Kāmakoti, the grandson of Sabhāpati. Thus there is a great deal of divergence in the statement as to the actual authorship of the composition. It appears that some one of the earlier members of the family, Sabhāpati or some one else, for instance, was the actual author, and every time his verses were repeated and added to in drawing up fresh documents by the various later members of the family, the composition was claimed to be his by the topyist. The copyist in the present case appears, as in the case of the Kudli matha plates, Krishna-kavi.
List of donees, etc.
Name of the donee.
Father's name.
Native place.
Num. ber of orittis.
1 The god Kalahastiśvara
The god Lakshmi
narayana 8 The teacher of Rig-vēda 2 4 Do. of Yajur-vēds B Govinda Bhatta Udoya Bhatta, Bharadvāja
Narayana Bhatta Putti Bhatta . . Do. Hastaks Venkatays Honnarasa ,
Rayasam Kondapärya . Pinna Madhavayārya Kauņdinya 9 Hastaka Nagappaya Virupparass
Kābyspa 10 sriniväsirys
Mahabhäshya Nara. Pütimisha
Do. Yajus
Do. Rik.
Vanivala. Hstir Anögundi. Madavidala
A Collection of the inscriptions on copper-plates and stones in the Nellore district by Alan Butterworth and V. Venugopaul Chetty, pp. 25 ff. • Epigraphia Carnatica, Vol. VII, Part 1, pp. 617.
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