No. 10.)
Fifth Plate. 57 pripa-tantra-bhāra-bharana-samartthaḥ Somaśarmm [**] Yuddbakārapiga-dvitiya
nāmadhēya[ho] 58 tasmai Satprasād-ārtaduva-taţākasy=8ttara-épingasy=ādhastāt(a)-břihachchhil-ottara
pā(pa)schi. 59 mě tuka-vrihi-kshetram tat-taţākasy-siva dakshipi(pa)-śpimg-ādhastām (stāt) shat
kapduk-āvāpar vrihi 60 kshētram [..]ttañ-cha grihañ=cha udaka-purvvan=dattah(ttaṁ) [ll]
Svadattām paradattām bā(vā) yo harēti(ta) Va. 61 sundharām [l*] shashți-varsþa-sahasrāņi vishțāyām jāyatē krimiḥ [ll"]
Bahubhir=vvasudhān(dha) bhuktā 62 rājabhig-Saka(ga)rādibhiḥ [1] yasya yasya yadā bhūmi[*] tasya tasya
tadā pa(pha)lam (11") Om Sri-Samkara63 kritam sarvva-paribāram labhatē On-[K. B. P. and S. K.)
TRANSLATION. [Om Hail. Victory has been achieved by the holy Padmanabha who resembles the sky when the clouds have gone.
(Line 1.) (There was) the righteons Mahādhiraja Konganivarman, a sun illustrating the spotless sky of the glorious Jahnavěys farly; who acquired strength and valour by splitting a big stone pillar with one stroke of his sword; who was adorned with ornaments in the shape of wounds received in crushing the hosts of his crael foes; who was of the Kāņviyana götra.
(L. 4.) His son, (was) the Mahadhiraja, the glorious Madhava (I.), endowed with good qualities equal to those of his father; whose behaviour was regulated by knowledge and good breeding; who achieved the aim of royalty simply by properly protecting his subjects ; who was & touchstone for testing the gold which is scholars and poets; who was a clever expounder of the science of politics ; the author of a commentary on the Dattasutra,
(L. 6.) His son (was) the Mahadhiraja, the glorious Harivarman, endowed with the virtues of his father and grandfather; whose fame, which was gained in numerous battles with fourtusked elephants, Wes tasted by the waters of the four Oceans.
(L. 8.) His son (wns) the Mahadhiraja, the glorious Vishnugopa, who was intent on worshipping Brahmapes, teachers and deities; who meditated on the feet of Nārāyana.
(L. 9.) His son (was) the Mahadhirāja, the glorious Madhava (II.), whose head was made pure by the dust from the lotus which is the foot of Tryambaka (Siva); whose royal power was bought with the price of the strength and valour of his own arm; whose sword with the sharp blade gave satisfaction to the Pifitafana Mukhamoshta ; who was always equipped to extricate the ball Dharma, which had sunk in the mad of the foroe of the Kali age.
(L. 11.) His son (was) the Mahadhiraja, the glorions Kongani called Avinite, the beloved sister's son of the Mahadhiraja, the glorious Krishnavarman, the sun of the sky which is the glorious Kadamba-family; who was endowed with the expanding three constituents of power ; to whom the circle of all the feudatories bowed down in haste; whose heart was filled to overflowing with knowledge and good breeding; whose valour was irresistible and pre-eminent; who should be reckoned the foremost amongst scholars.
1 The first syllable of this word is not in the impression, it being cut too near whe ring hola. · The fival abshara mi has been added under the line.