No. 7.]
26 [Yo v=ājñā]ng-timira-patal-āvpita-matir=āchchhindyād=achchhidyamānam v=ānumodēta
b a pañchabhir=mmabāpātakais=samyuktas-syā[t] 27 ity=Uktan-cha bhagavatā vöda-vyāsēna Vyāsõna || Shashtim varsha-sahaarāni
svarggö mödati bhūmidaḥ [] achchhöttä сhal 28 anumantā cha tany=ēva narakē vasēt || Vindhy-āta vishv=atoyāsa Sushka-kotara
vāsinaḥ [1*] křishṇ-āhayo hi jāyantë 29 bhumi-dāyam haranti ye || Bahubhir=vvasudha bhuktā rājabhis-Sagar-ādibhiḥ
[1] yasya yasya yadā bhūmic-tasya tasya tada 30 phala || Pärvva-dattām dvijātibhyo yatnād=raksha Yudhishthira
mahir mahīmartām grēshtha dānacb=chhrëyonupālanam [11] Yān=iha 31 da[ttāni purā] Darendrair=ddānāni dharmm-ārttha-yasas-karāņi i nirbbhukta
mälya-pratimāni tāni ko nāma sädhuh-punar=ada32 dita iti 11 Samvatsara-sata-trayē shashty-adhikē Bhadrapada-suddha
trayodaśyām Pasupata-rājñi-rājõi33 Anantamāhāyi-vijñāpanayā
mahābalādhikrita-śrl-Prasahyavigraha-datakazh [likhitam) 34 idar mahāsandhivigrahādhikaraṇadhikțit-Anāphitõh=óti 11 Sam 800 60 Bhadrapada su 10 3.
TRANSLATION. (Line 1.) Om. Hail. From the victorious camp located at Vai(Vi)disa. In the family of the Katachcaurig-which, like the wide ocean, is stainless and extensive as the sky clear on the beginning of antamn; shining by the mass of the rays of various jewels of men (as the ocean is illumined by the rays of its precious stones); difficult to be transgressed since it is the abode of great courage (as the ocean is the abode of big creatures); grave and bent on observing settled roles (as the ocean is deep and is anxious to remain within its boundaries)-(there lived) the illustrious Krishnarāja, who enlightened the world with his fame pleasing to all men as the moon illumines with light; who from his birth was solely devoted to Pasupati (siva) just as the moon supports itself on Śiva; who though having no blemish furthers the prosperity of his family as the moon (who has & spot) revives the beauty of a bed of night lotuses; who was approached by all virtues which attract men to a king and by other qualities as if through a desire to get a choice resting place; who was possessed of all the natural endowments of royalty; who daly got the good results of the royal powers; who, brilliant with his glorious family, the flow of his munificence being uninterrupted and the gravity of his strength being renowned, rushing boldly effected the conquest of the regions just as the head of wild elephants, conspicuous by its magnificent backbone, with the ceaseless stream of its ichor, showing the excellence of its strength, roaming here and there at its will, breaks down & row of forest trees; whose weapon was (used) for the protection of the distressed; who fought to humble the pride of his foes; whose learning was for modesty; who obtained riches (only) to give; who made donations only for the sake of religious merit; whose religious merit was acquired in order to obtain final beatitude.
(L. 9.) His son was the illustrious Sankaragana, an ardent devotee of Mahēsvars (Śiva); the sovereign of the regions bounded by the eastern and western oceans and of other countries; who meditated on the feet of his parents; who was matchless in this world; whose glory was rolished by the waters of the four oceans; whose grandeur was like that of Dhanada, Varapa. Indra and Antaka; who gained the prosperity of a king by the prowess of his own arms; before whom the circle of all tributary princes bent down owing to the excellence of his valour; who 1 Bend cheanumantā.
Read mahimatan