Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 12
Author(s): Sten Konow
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 40
________________ No. 5.] LADNU INSCRIPTION OF SADHARANA. margin were composed by the Gauda Kayastha Danda and engraved in the reign of Ghiyas-nddin Tughlaq, i.e. between V.S. 1378-1382. No mention has been made of Khushra Nasirud-din probably on account of his brief tenure of power. The inscription unfolds, under the heading of rajavali-varnanam, the dynasty of 10 Muham madan Emperors of Delhi from Shahab-ud-din Ghōri to Ala-ud-din Khilji; but the list differs a great deal from that given in the Persian history called Tawarikh-i-Firishta, according to which some names seem to have been omitted and some reversed in their order. Below is given a statement comparing the genealogy contained in this inscription with that of Firishta, as also their dates in Hijri, Christian and Vikrama eras: No. 1 2 3 4 B 6 7 8 9 13 Sanskrit inscription. 14 15 Shabab-ud-din Qutb-ud-din Ala-ud-din Mu'izz-ud-din Näsir-ud-din 10 Ghiyas-ud-din 11 12 Shabab-ud-din Ala-ud-din Shams-ud-din Firōz Shah Qutb-ud-din 16 17 Ghiyas-ud-din Tawarikh-i-Firishta. Shahab-ud-din Ghöri Qutb-ud-din Aibak Aram Shah. Shams-ud-din Altamish Rukn-ud-din Firōz Shah Raziya Bēgam Mu'izz-ud-din Babram Shah Ala-ud-din Mas'ud Näsir-ud-din Mahmud Ghiyas-ud-din Balban Mu'izz-ud-din Kai Qubad Jalal-ud-din Firoz Khilji Alä-ud-din Khilji. Shahab-ud-din Umar Qutb-ud-din Mubarak Shah Khushru Khan Nasir-ud-din Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq . Hijri years. years. 582-602 602-606 606 607-633 683 634-637 637-639 639-644 644-664 664-685 685-687 688-696 696-716 21 716 717-721 721 721-725 Christian Vikrama years. 1186-1206 1243-1263 1206-1209 1263-1266 1210 1267 1210-1236 1267-1293 1236 1293 1236-1239 1293-1296 1239-1241 1296-1398 1241-1246 1298-1308 1246-1266 1308-1328 1266-1286 1323-1343 1286-1288 1848-1845 1288-1295 1345-1352 1295-1315 1362-1372 .............***** 1316 1378 1316-1321 1373-1378 1821 1378 1321-1325 1378-1882 It may be noted that the prasasti writer has, perhaps for want of knowledge of history, omitted 3 names, viz., Aram Shah (No. 3 in the above list), Raziya Begam (No. 6) and Mu'izz-ud-din Kai Qubad (No. 11). Similarly, in the genealogy subsequently added after verse 35, which is shown in the above statement below the dotted line, the names of Shahab-uddin Umar (No. 14) and Nasir-ud-din (No. 16) have been left out, perhaps on account of their very brief tenure of power. Besides, in the genealogy as given by the prasasti writer the names of 7 and 8 have been reversed, so that the name of the son (Ala-ud-din Mas'ud) has been put in the place of the father (Mu'izz-ud-din Babräm Shah), and vice versa. This is probably either due to his lack of knowledge of the history of the Muhammadan Emperors or because the name of Ala-ud-din, who was the son of Firoz Shah, has been put in after that of his father


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