with X 7-34 (R on the northern intermediate continents): parallelism of IX and X which have got thirty-four udd. each; these R introduce XI 91 (XI 1-8 having been interpolated) where Siva, with his vibhanga-nāņa (see IX 31), discerns only seven continents and oceans.
31 on certain conditions (also karmic conditions c.w. VIII 106) learning the Lore etc. without having properly heard it (asocca) may lead to vibhanga-nana; this vibhanga-nana introduces XI 9 1 and 122.
32 E: GANGEYA, a Pasâvaccijja monk, questions Mv. at VĀŅIYAGGAMA; his conversion, death and future; asoccā jāņāmi (454a) c.w. 31.
33 E at MAHANA-KUNDAGGĀMA USABHADATTA and DEVĀŅANDĀ (Mv.'s 'mother') are converted; their future. | 2E: at KHATTIYA-KUNDAGGĀMA JAMĀLI (Mv.'s nephew and son-inlaw) becomes a disciple of Mv.; his heresy, death and future. [N.B. 33 is c.w. 32 by its scene (both Kundaggama and Vāṇiyaggāma being situated in the neighbourhood of Vesāli, see Introduction, notes 29 and 44) and by sasae loe (see 32 under b and 33 under 2e). The two episodes in 33 are linked up in order to oppose Jamāli, the heretical monk of ksatriya birth, whose relationship with Mv. the text expressly conceals, and Devāṇanda, the righteous nun of brāhmaṇa birth who Mv. says is his real mother.]
34 1-2 purise ... purisam haṇamāne and verenam putthe (cf. I 8 2b) seem to indicate that deals with the casuistics of the five actions, which would connect it with 2; I fail, however, to see any connection with the preceding and following udd.
X I 1 disă introduces the disāpokkhiyā tāvasā in XI 9 1. | 2 R on sarira added to rūvi in 1? Abhay. says that the R on sarira is added because jīva in 1 is saririn.
2 1 purao uddham ahe (directions) and rūva c.w. I 1; the connections between the different texts of 2 can only be guessed at: probably 'acting against the precepts' in 1 introduces the notions 'loyalty' and 'confession' in 4-5. | 2-3 both R connected by the notions siya, usiņa and sīôsiņa; veyaņā, viz ajjhovagamiyā veyaṇā (Pannav. 556b) 'the painful perception a monk imposes
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