XII 4.
ussappiņīs and osappiņās. [3] The space of time necessary to accomplish the atomic regroupment in the karmic body (kammapoggala-pariyatta-nivvattaņā-kāla) is the comparatively shortest; as to those occurring in the fiery body, the earthly body, breathing, the inner sense, speech and the body of transformation, each of these takes a 0 times longer space of time than the preceding one.
4 (570b) The relative frequency of the different kinds of atomic regroupment [of course] is inversely proportional to their duration. * *
la (571a) [1] The eighteen sins (pāņ â i vā y a up to micchadamsana-salla, see I 9'), among which are the four passions (synonyms, see comm.), relate to the five colours, the two smells, the five tastes and to four [of the eight] tactile properties.
To the common name of each of the four passions the text adds a series of synonyms: KOHA = kova, rosa, dosa (dosa or dveșa), akhama, samjalana, kalaha, candikka (cāndikya : raudr'ākāra-karana), bhandana (na : dand'ādibhir yuddha; cf. pw * bhandana 'Misshandlung, Kampf'), vivāda ; MĀŅA = mada, dappa, thambha, gavva, att'ukkosa, para-parivāya, ukkosa, avakkosa, unnaya (ta), unnāma (namana), duņņāma (duşta namana); MĀYA = uvahi (upadhi), niyadi (nikrti), valaya (yena bhāvena valayam iva vakram vacanam ceştā vā pravartate sa bhāvo valayam, Abhay.), gahaņa (para-vyāmohanāya yad vacanajālam tad gahanam iva gahanam, Abhay.), nūma (cf. nūmai : chādayati, Hc. iv, 21; Abhay. thinks of nimna 'depth', deep places being unreliable), kakka (kalka), kuruya (rūpa), jimha (jaihmya), kibbisa (kilbiņa; Abhay. thinks of the Kilbişika gods, see IX 332e- and cf. I 26), āyaranaya (from adarana or ācarana, Abhay. only makes guesses), gühanayā, vancaņayā, paliuncaņayā (prati", thus Abhay., or parikuñcana-tā), säijoga; LOBHA = icchā, mucchā, kankhā, gehi, taṇhā, bhijjhā (abhidhyā, cf. Pischel 141-142), abhijjhā, āsāsaņayā (from āśamsana), patthanayā, lalappanayà (from lap., lālapyate), kām'āsā, bhog'āsā, jiviy'āsā, maran'āsā, nandirāga (samyddhau satyām rāgo: harso nandi-rāgah, Abhay.). Some of these synonyms are also found in Süy. 1, 1, 2, 12; 1, I, 4, 11-12; 1, 2, 2, 29 and 1, 9, II.-Abhay, says that the four tactile properties referred to are smooth, rough, cold and warm, but does not explain why heavy, light, wet and dry are excluded here.
[2] But (571a) abstinence (veramaņa in the case of the five vows, vivega in the other cases) from the eighteen sins as well as cognition, which is here represented by the four forms of
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