jumma (yugma) the first time has the meaning rāsī 'number, sum'. In kada-jumma (kada krta : siddha, pūrṇa) and dāvara-jumma (dvapara-yugma) it means an even number as against oya (also oga -- ojas), an odd number,. in the compounds te-oya (te- tri-) and kali-oya (kali-: eka-). As to the divisibility by four of the number of H etc. suffice it to refer to Abhay.: etac caivam ājñā-prāmāṇyād avagantavyam, we just are to believe all this. For plants and Siddhas there are no (apada) maximum and minimum numbers.
4 (744b) There are as many vară (old edition: carā) AndhagaVanhino as pară A.-V. * *
An obscure text. No doubt there is some connection with the AndhagaVanhis Andhaka-Vṛṣṇis of mythology. Abhay., however, explains andhagavanhi as amhripa-vahni 'fire in trees' scil. big fire-beings (bādara-tejaskāyikā ity arthah) and quotes an explanation given by others according to which a.-v. 'blind fire' means fire that does not shine (aprakāśaka). varā would mean arvāg-bhāga-vartinaḥ ayuşkâpekṣaya 'lp'ayuşkā ity arthaḥ, parā: prakṛṣṭaḥ sthitito dirgh'ayuşa ity arthaḥ.
1 (746a) Of two gods of the same class (A surakumāra etc. specified) living in the same abode (āvāsa) the one that possesses the body of transformation is beautiful, whereas the one that does not possess this body is ugly (je se veuvviya-sarīre [adj.]... deve se nam pāsādie jāva [= darisanijje abhiruve] paḍirūve; je se aveuvviya-s. no pāsādie etc.). Likewise in the world of man one is beautiful if one has got ornaments (is alamkiyavibhusiya), ugly if one has got no ornaments (anal.-v.).
According to Abhay. (a)veuvviya-sarira is (a)vibhuşita-sarira, an (un)adorned body.-Once Goy. addresses Mv. as bhagavam.
2 (746b) of two beings of the same species (HAMG specified) living in the same abode (āvāsa) the one that is sinful and heretical has more karman, action, influx and perception than the one that is sinless and orthodox (je se mai-micchadiṭṭhiuvavannae ... se nam mahā-kammatarãe c' eva jāva [cf. VII 102b, XIII 41] mahā-veyaṇatarãe; je se amāi-sammadd.-uv. appakammatarãe etc.).
Jain Education International
3 (747a) The quantity of future life (auya) a being (neraie [sing.] etc. specified) works in its present life remains intact (se
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