sālii kalali ayasiiii vamseiv ikkhuv dabbhevi ya abbhavii tulasīviii ya atthee dasa-vaggā asīi puņa honti uddesā.
Vagga i.
Udd. 1 (800a) * [1] The souls embodied in the roots (jīvā mūlattāe vakkamanti) of the plants sāli, vīhi etc. originate from AM; ref. to Pannav. 6. [2-3] They may appear and disappear (avahāra = apahāra) simultaneously (ega-samaenam) in any given number, ref. to XI 1b. [4-33] Further description of their qualities and faculties, the domains under discussion (size of the body etc.) being the same as those enumerated in XI 19. All beings have already several times or even an infinite number of times been reborn in the roots of these plants, cf. XI 1d. * *
Udd. 2-10 (801b) The same as udd. I in respect of the souls embodied in 2. the bulbous root (kanda), 3. the stem (khandha), 4. the bark (tayā), 5. the branches (sāla), 6. the shoots (pavāla), 7. the leaves (patta), 8. the flowers (puppha), 9. the fruits (phala) and 10. the seeds (bīya) of the same plants; slight differences are noted in udd. 8-10. * * at the end of each udd.
Vagga ii-viii.
(802a) The same as vagga i, with slight differences, for the plants ii. kala, masura etc., iii. ay a si, kusumbha etc., iv. va m s a, venu etc., v. ukk hu, ikkhuvadiyā etc., vi. sediya, bhandiya, d abbh a etc., vii. abbhar uha, voyāna etc. and viii. tulasi, kanhadala etc.
Cf. XXIII comm.
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