Obeisance to the Suyadevayā!
āluyalohīii avayālli pādhīiv taha māsavanni-vallīv ya panc' ee dasa-vaggā pannāsā honti uddesā.
Vagga i-v.
(804a) The same as saya XXI, with slight differences, for the plants i. alu ya, mülaga etc., ii. lohini etc., iii. ā y a etc., iv. pādhā etc. and v. māsa paņņi etc.
See Introduction $ 4.-In Pannav. 300-39b (cf. also Utt. 36, 93 seqq.) the same plants form two families called patteya- and sahārana-sarira-bayaravanassai-kāiya (cf. XIX 36 comm.) and the patteya family is subdivided into the following twelve groups: ia ega-biyaga rukkha, trees with one seed
cf. Viy. XXII i ib bahu-biyaga rukkha, trees with many seeds
cf. XXII ii 2 guccha
XXII iv shrubs (see JACOBI, SBE XLV, p. 216) cf. 3 gumma)
XXII v 4 layā, big plants (see below) 5 valli, creepers
cf. XXII vi 6 pavvaga, reeds
cf. XXI v, iv 7 tana, grasses
cf. XXI vi 8 valaya, palms
cf. XXII i 9 hariya, herbs
cf. XXI vii-viii 10 osahi, annual plants
cf. XXI i-iii II jala-ruha, water-plants (see below) 12 kuhana, funguses
cf. XXIII iii. The sahāraña family is treated in XXIII i-ii and iv-v but not all the names mentioned in Pannav, appear there. Probably the eleventh group of the patteya family was not treated in XXI-XXIII because several plants belonging to that group (uppala, pauma, nalina) had already been discussed in XI 1-8. Also the fourth group of the same family (starting with pauma -layā, see Pannav. 32b) is missing in the Viy.
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