XXXV i 1
inexhaustibility etc. up to [33] their next rebirth: references to the Uppal'udd. XI 1.
The numbers referred to under [2] of course are the same as the minima (16 etc.) indicated in the preceding note, to which x, ¿ and (in contradistinction to the beings grouped in 'small numbers', see XXXI 12) ∞o are added.
2b (967a) The same for the fifteen other 'great numbers'.
The sixteen descriptions of 12 above applied to A1 [udd. 2 (968a)] living in the first samaya of their existence (padhamasamaya-kaḍajumma-kaḍajumma-eg'indiya etc.), [udd. 3] not living in that samaya (apaḍhama- ...), [udd. 4] living in their last samaya (carama- ...) or [udd. 5] not in their last samaya (acarama- ...); to these are added the A1 that are [udd. 6] padhamapadhama-(thus read with the comm.!)samaya-kaḍajumma-kaḍajumma-eg' endiya etc., [udd. 7] paḍhama-apaḍhama-s.- [udd. 8] [udd. 9] padhama-acarama-s.- ..., [udd. 10] carama-carama-s.- ... and [udd. 11] carama-acarama-s.- ...; in these six compounds the first term seems to indicate the moment of the being's status as an A1 while the second term indicates the moment of the being's belonging to a kaḍajummakaḍajumma group. at the end of each udd.
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According to Abhay. the padhama-2-samaya-kaḍajumma-2-eg'indiya beings (udd. 6) for instance are ekendriyôtpadasya prathama-samaya-yogad ye prathamaḥ prathamaś ca samayaḥ krtayugma-kṛtayugmatvânubhūter yeṣām ekendriyāņām te.
Jain Education International
Avantaras ay as ii-xii.
(969b) The subject of avantarasaya i, udd. 12-11 developed after the example of XXXIII ii-xii. * *
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