padisamvedemo'? no tiņ' atthe samatthe, āhārenti resp. padisamvedenti puņa te.), [11] relation to the eighteen sins, [12] origin, ref. to Pannav. 6, [13] duration (thii), [14] ejection of atoms (samugghāya), [15] death and rebirth, ref. to Pannav. 6.
b. The same with water-, fire-, wind- and plant-beings. In the case of plant-souls (vaņassai-kāiya), however, o of these may build, together, one common body (egayao sāhārana-sarīram bandhanti).
sāhārana-sarira : bahūnām sāmánya-sarira, Abhay.-uddäi : apadravati : apayāti vinaśyatiti malavat, Abhay.; cf. uddāi in II 14 and XVI 12. palisappai: sarirêndriyatayā pariņamati, Abhay.; cf. XVIII 36.
(764b) The relative size (ogāhanā) of the six kinds of A1 (six because patteya-sarīra and ni[g]oya plants are treated separately), both fine (suhuma : abbreviated s below) and coarse (bādara : b), in their undeveloped (apajjattaga: a) and developed (pajjattaga: p) states and taking into account their minimum and maximum size (jahanniyā ogāhaņā: j, ukkosiyā ogāhaņā: u). Consequently, since patteya-sarīra plants are always bādara, there are forty-four cases: I. $ nioya
| 18.) 2. S vāu-kāiya
the same with teu-k. 3. S teu-k. 4. S äu-k. 5. s pudhavi-k.
the same with āu-k. 6. b vāu-k. 7. b teu-k.
24. 8. b āu-k.
25* the same with pudhavi9. b pudhavi-k.
26*) k. 10-11. patteya-sarira b 27 up to 38* the same as 15vanassai-k. aj and
26* with b vāu-k. up b nioya aj
to pudhavi-k. 12. s nioya
Pi 39 up to 41* b nioya 13* s nioya
au 42 up to 44* patteya-sarira 14* s nioya
b vanassai-k. 15.
the same with vāu-k. 17*
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