time has its beginning in him (Sūr’āiyā ņam samayā i vā āvaliyā i vă etc.).
Cf. Sūrapannatti 291a. 3 (578a) a. The principal wives of Canda and Sūra, ref. to X 58. b. The pleasures and enjoyments (kāma-bhoga, cf. VII 72) Canda and Sūra enjoy with these wives are on times greater than those of the common Joisiyas, whose pleasures are o times greater than those of the Asur'indas, etc. ... common Bhavaņavāsis ... Vāṇamantaras. With the Vāṇamantaras, however, such pleasures and enjoyments are on times greater than the earthly (orāla) happiness (sāyā-sokkha) perceived by a young husband (ref. to Mahābala in XI 113) who after a business travel of sixteen years again enters his happy home and meets his pretty faithful wife. * *
Once Mv, is addressed by Goy. as saman'āuso.
7. LOGA.
1 (579a) Although the world (log a) extends for ¿ X 1014 (kodākoļi) yojanas in the six directions, in every single spaceunit (paramânupoggala-mette vi paese) of it a soul (jīve) entered or left an existence (jāe vā mae vā); simile: likewise in a pen (ayā-vaya) full of goats after some time one could not find one single spot (paramânupoggala-m. p.) that would never have been occupied (aņākanta-puvva) by a goat's droppings, hair, nails etc. This is the result of the infinite nature (sāsaya, aņāi- and niccabhāva) of world, rebirth (samsāra) and soul, and of the multiplicity of karman, birth and death.
2 (580a) Memorandum on the different abodes, ref. to I 51. a. [Since eternity] more than once and seven] o times (asaim aduvā anantakhutto) every single soul (ayam ņam jīve) and souls in general (savva-jīvā) were reborn as H, A1-5, M and G (as far as these are possible) in every single abode. b. More (581a) than once and seven] times every single soul was reborn as the father etc., the enemy etc., the king etc., the servant etc. of every other [incorporated] soul. **
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