II 1
[voluntary] death by [1] complete immobility (pāôvagamaņa) or [2] the renunciation of food (bhatta-paccakkhāņa). These both may be nīhārima or anīhārima (cf. comm.); pāôvagamaņa always takes place without care of the body (appadikamma), bhattapaccakkhāņa always with care of the body (sapaļikamma).
Cf. also XIII 72, Thāņa 93b and Nis. 11,92.-The exact meaning of the first three kinds of unwise suicide is rather obscure. According to Abhay. valaya-marana is bubhukşa-parigatatvena valavalāyamanasya samyamad vā bhraśyato maraṇam (von KAMPTZ, Sterbefasten p. 16: Überdruss) and vas'atta is indriya-vaćena rta, i.e. pidita (ibid.: Unvermögen). Instead of antosalla-m. (antaḥsalyasya dravyato 'nuddhrta-tomar'ādeh bhävatah sâticärasya yan maranam, Abhay.) which von KAMPTZ translates as 'sündhaftes Sterben' ('sinful dying' or rather, I think, 'dying with stings of conscience': cf. Mahānis. I) other texts have niyāņa-m.: niyāna- and tabbhava- according to von KAMPTZ mit einem Wunsch für die Nachexistenz in einer gesteigerten oder derselben Daseinsform'.-According to Abhay. nihārima and anihārima mean 'taking place under circumstances (e.g. in a house or in a wood resp.) that make the subsequent removal of the dead body necessary or not. For another explanation see von KAMPTZ, O.c. p. 16 seq. For padikamma see ibid. and LEUMANN, Uvav., Glossar s.v.
6b (120a) Conclusion of the episode: Khandaga's conversion and his spiritual and ascetical career (the bhikkhu-paļimās and the gunarayanasamvacchara fast) ending in his fasting to death. At Rāyagiha Mv. informs Goy. of Khandaga's rebirth in the Accuyakappa and subsequent liberation.
For mäsiyā bhikkhu-padimă see X 24 below.--gunarayanasamvacchara (rayaņa = racana or ratna, Abhay.) consists of sixteen months of steadily prolonged fasts (cauttham-cautthenam anikkhitteņam tavokammeņam up to cottisaimam ...; for aạikkhitta tavokamma see the AUTHOR's note on Mahānis. III 6); moreover, it involves certain ascetical postures (ukkuduya = utkutuka and vir'āsana; avāuda = aprāvrta 'naked'); cf. BARNETT, Antag. p. 56.phull’uppala- ... : vedhas from Uvav. 22.–The good qualities ascribed to Khandaga are the same as Roha's in I 64 with the exception of pagai-mauya; cf. also IX 3112
(129) The seven cases of ejection of karmic particles (s a mug ghā y a), ref. to Pannav. 36:56 1b-608a except chāumatthiya-s. 590a.
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