VI 1
3 (252a) Monks who practise the ascetic methods (padimāpadivannaga anagara) perceive and annihilate karman strongly; the H of the sixth and the seventh hell perceive strongly but annihilate little; monks that have attained the selesi state perceive little but annihilate strongly; the G of the uppermost heavens (aņuttaróvavāiya deva) perceive and annihilate little. One gāhā summarizing the udd. * *
(252b) * Ref. to Pannav. 28 (Ahār'uddesa): 498b-520b. **
Two gāhās summarizing the following sūtra.
1 (253a) For him who possesses much karman, is given to much action, undergoes a great karmic influx and has a strong perception (mahā-kamma mahā-kiriya ma has a va mahāvedana) the [karmic] particles (poggala) are bound and accumulated (bajjhanti cijjanti uvacijjanti) and his self (āyā) (scil. his body (bāhy’ātmā śarīram, Abhay.)] changes (parinamai; text omanti) into a whole of bad unlucky qualities. Just so do the [constituent] particles (poggala) of a new, still unwashed (ahaya, [?]dhoya) garment that has just been made (tantu-gaya). On the other hand from him who undergoes only a small karmic influx etc. the [karmic] particles are separated (bhijjanti chijjanti etc.) and his self changes into a whole of good lucky qualities. Just so do the dirt particles of a garment that is being washed.
Since mah'assava is the title of the udd, originally the series mahā-kamma etc. probably started with āsava as it actually does the second time it appears (app'āsava appa-kamma a.-kiriya a.-vedana).--tantu-gaya: turi-vem'āder apanita-matra, Abhay.
2 (254a) The accumulation of the constituent particles (poggalôvacaya) of a garment happens either by an impulse from without (paogasā) or spontaneously (vīsasā). That of karman (kammộvacaya) happens only by an impulse (paoga), viz by the
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