VI 6
6. BHAVIYA (PUDHAVI]. 1 (272b) Memorandum of the different abodes (āvāsa) in the hells (pudh a v i) up to the heavens: implicit ref. to I 5.
The 'title' of this udd., according to the usg., is bhaviya (see below) but at the end of the udd. we read pudhavi-uddeso samatto; note that VI 8 is also entitled Pudhavi.
2 (272b) After having, at the hour of death, ejected [its āuyakamma] (māraņ'antiya-samugghāenam ... samohanittā), a being that will be reborn (bh a vie uvavajjittae) in some particular abode (āvāsa) goes thither and immediately starts attracting [matter), transforming [it] and [thus] building its [new] body (sarīram bandhai). Sometimes, however, it goes back to its former abode to perform a second ejection (of āuya-kamma] (tao padiņiyattittā iha-m-āgacchai 2 doccam pi märan'antiya-samugghāeņam samohaņai) before it starts attracting matter etc. in its new abode. The two cases are found with HAMG. **
The long digression on the places of rebirth as an earth being etc. (Mandarassa pavvayassa puracchimeņam ... log'ante vä) only means that A' are found all over the world.
7. SĀLĪ.
1 (274a) Seeds, when kept in a granary etc., at the earliest lose their germinal force (jonī pamilāyai ... joni-vocchede pannatte) in less than a muhūrta, at the latest after three years (viz in the case of rice, sālī, etc.), five years (peas etc.) or seven years (flax etc.).
The three groups of plants mentioned are those listed in vaggas i-lii of Saya XXI q.v.-Goy. being addressed as saman'āuso (cf. 2 below) the text no doubt derives from some other source: cf. indeed Thāņa 123b, 343b and 405a where, however, the word samaņ'āuso is missing.
2 (274b) The number of breaths (kevaiyā ussās'addhā) in one muhûrta is [, with man,] 3-773. (Two ślokas and one gāhā are quoted.) This statement is embedded in the theory of the divisions of time (from samaya up to ussappiņi). To explain paliovama (i.e. the first addho'vamiya division of time) the theory of linear measures (from paramânupoggala up to joyana) is inserted.
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