The Conception of Reality in Jaina Metaphysics
śakti) are not permanent. They, being always subject to origination and destruction, are individually non-permanent and the series of modes of consciousness in soul and those of colour in matter are permanent because of being traikālika. The undivided whole of infinite capacities-qualities only is substance. That is to say, the collective whole or aggregate of each individual causative capacity (Kāraṇabhūta-sakti) of each individual mode and of such infinite capacities is substance from the point of view of difference among them. But Dravya is called guna-paryāyātmaka from the point of view of non-difference among them because of paryāyas being like their own causative qualities and gunas being like Dravya. That is to say, Dravya, guna and paryaya are different from one another from the subjective point of view in thought, but they are non-different from one another from the objective point of view. 163
In a Dravya all gunas are not identical, some common gunas are found in all substances, e.g astitva (existentiality), pardešatva (capacity of having some from), jñeyatva (knowability), etc. and some are uncommon (i.e. specific) guņas which can be found in each individual Dravya, e. g. sentiency (cetana) conciousness (upayoga), etc. in soul and colour (rupa), etc. in matter. Each Dravya is distinct and separate from other Dravyas because of its uncommon guna (quality) and paryayas (modes) 164,
Pancāstikāya-Samayasāra, Niyamasāra, Samayasāra, Pruvacansăra, Samayapräs
bhy;añ, etc. 1 Pancāstikāya-Samayasara, 8. Kundakunda. 2 Pravacanasāra, II. 3. 3 Așțādhyāyi, 4. 3. 161; 5. 3. 104; VI, 1. 7. 9. 4 Ibid., 4. 3. 161; 5. 3. 104; Vide Pramānam māmsă, Ed. by Pandit Sukblalji, pp.
54-55. 5 Drośca / Padāni | Droh ca Druśabdádyatpratyayo Vrttiḥ / bhavati Vikarab
avayavayorarthayoḥ", Aşladhyayi, Vol. 1, ed. by S. C. Basu, 4, 3. 161, p. 804. 6 Ibid. 7 Padani Dļavyam. ca, bhavye, (yat)" | Vettiḥ Dravyaśabdo nipātyate bhavye
abhidheye / drukabdādivārthe yatpratyayo nipätyate /", Ibid., Vol, II., 5. 3. 104,
p. 976. 8 Ibid, 9 Vide Advanced Studies in Indian Logic and Metaphysics, Pandit Sukhlalji,
p. 112, 10 Vantani Pratyaye", Asfadhyāyı, VI. 1, 89, Vol. II, ed. by S. C. Basu. 11 Ibid., Vol. II.
"Namasthāpanādravyabhavat astannyāsaḥ'', Tattvarthadhigamasutra, Umäsyāti,
'ch. 1.5. 13 Bhagavati Vyākhyāprajnapti, p. 2. 1.90. 14 Tattvārthādhigama Sutra, Bhāsya, ch. V 31, pp, 399-401. .
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