Nahavähaņa,' the ruler of this city, was attacked by Sālivāhaņa. Poet Varabhūti belonged to this place. Wrestler Phalihamalla hailed from a village near it. People from outside flocked to this city for worshipping Komdalamemdha god. Nuns and Taccanias10 (Buddhist monks) could be seen in this city. Preceptor Jinadeva(4) converted here two Taccaņias to his faith.11 Monks, 12 travellers, 13 etc.14 could be seen travelling from this place to Ujjeni. Another route led from here to Dakkhiņāpaha15 also. Bharuaccha is identified with modern Broach.16 4. AvaCu. II. p. 200.
10. AvaCu. I. p. 542. 5. AvaCu. I. p. 109, BrhBh. 171. BrhM. 11. AvaN. 1299, AvaCu. II, p. 201. p. 52
12. AvaN, 1311, Avaču. II. p. 209. 6. VyaBh. 3.58.
13. BrhKs. p. 1145. 7. Utts. p. 192.
14. AvaCu. II. p. 160. 8. BrhKs. p. 883.
15. NisCu. II. p. 415. 9. NisCu. II. p. 439, BrhBh. 2054 16. GDA. p. 32.
Bhava A celestial abode of Sohamma(2) where the gods have maximum longevity of one Sägaropama years. They take breath once in a fortnight and have desire for food once in one thousand years.1
1. Sam. 1. Bhavana (Bhavana) Seventh chapter of the nineteenth section of Viyāhapaņpatti.
1. Bha. 948.
Bhavanavai (Bhavanapati) Same as Bhavanavāsi.1
1. Aca. 2.176, Jam. 123, Dev. 194, AvaH. P, 601, AvaCu. I. p. 146. Bhavanavasi (Bhavanavāsin) One of the four main classes of gods. They are grouped under ten sub-classes: Asurakumāra, Ņāgakumāra, Suvannakumāra, Vijjukumāra, Aggikumāra, Divakumāra, Udahikumāra, Disākumāra, Vāukumāra and Thaņiyakumāra.' Each group of them has two lords (indras), one of the south and the other of the north. Camara(1) and Vairoaņa(2) or Bali(4), Dharaņa(1) and Bhūyāņamda(1), Veņudeva and Venudāli, Harikamta and Harissaha, Aggisiha and Aggimāņava, Puņņa(3) and Vasittha(3), Jalakamta(1) and Jalappabha(1), Amiyagai and Amiyavähaņa, Velamba(1) and Pabhamjana(3) and Ghosa(1) and Mahāghosa(4) are their lords respectively. Bhavanavāsi gods have seven crore and forty-two lakh bhavanas (dwelling places ) which are situated in the Rayaņappabhã (2) region, leaving its upper and lower portions, each of the extent of one thousand yajanas. 1. Praj. 38, Anu. 122, BhaA. p. 29, Praj. 46, and Sam. 149 mention that Prasa. p. 95, Jiv. 114-115. Utt. 36.
each of the last six subclasses has 204, Sth. 257.
seventy two lakh dwelling places. 2. Dev. 14-19, Sth. 94.
According to Dev. 41, the number 3. Praj. 46, Jiv. 116, Sam. 150, Dev. 26,
is seventy six.
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