shrine of Yakşa Sudamsaņa(20)8 situated in that park was visited by pilgrims. During the reign of king Sırïdāma and the ministership of Subamdhu(4) Titthayara Mahāvira visited this city.10 Mahāvīra in one of his former births, (i. e. Tivittha(1) in his preceding birth) as Vissabhūi had died here with a resolve to get prowess in his next life.11 The daśārhas of Väsudeva(2) Kapha being afraid of Jarāsamdha left this city and migrated to Bāravai." King Dhara(3) of this place was invited to participate in the svayamvara of Doval." King Jiyasattu(19) and courtezan Kālā of this place had a son named Kalavesiya who became a monk.14 Princess Ņivvui, daughter of Jiyasaftu(30),45 king Sarkha(8)28 and purohita Imdadatta(8)17 belonged to this city.
It was conquered by king Salavābapa.18 A Yavana king of this place assassinated monk Damda in the park of Jaunāvamka.19 Srāvaka Jiņadāsa(3) was a resident of this place.20 A merchant from here established marital relations with that of southern Mahurā(2).21 Under the presidentship of preceptor Khamdila(1) there was convoked a council in this city for restoring the canon.32 Gotthāmāhila defeated here the akriyavādins in a debate.23 This place was visited by preceptor Mamgn®4 and Rakkhia(1),25 Monk Vissabhūi had a quarrel here with Visāhaṇamdi. Mahurā is identified with modern Mathura in U.P.27 8. Vip. 26.
18. BrhBh. 6245, BrhKs. p. 1648, Vya9. AvaCu. I. p. 530, BrhKs. p. 1489.
Bh. 2.152. 10. Vip. 26.
19. AvaN. 1277, AvaCu. II. p. 135, 11. AvaN. 447-8, Vis. 1813, Sam. 158,
Mar. 465. Tir. 608.
20. Vis. 1925, AvaCu. I. p. 472. 12. DasCu. p. 41, SthA. p. 255.
21. AvaCu. I. p. 472. 13. Jna. 117.
22. NanM. p. 51, NanCu. p. 8, NanH. 14. Ut1Cu. p. 77, Utts. p. 120, Mar.
p. 13. 448.
23. AvaCu. I. p. 412, Utts. p. 173. 15. Avaču. I. p. 449, Avan. 1286,
24. NisBh. 3200, NisCu. II. p. 125. Utts. p. 148.
25. AvaCu. I. p. 411. 16. UttCu. p. 201, Utts. p. 354.. 17. Mar. 501, UttCu. p. 82. Utts. p.
26. Ibid. p. 231. 125.
27. GDA. p. 128.
2. Mahură A city in South India. It was conquered by king Sălivāhana of Paitthāņa. Marital relations exisetd between the people of this place and Mabuta(1). Its another name is Dakkhiņamahurā. It is identified with Madurai in South India.
1. BrhKs. p. 1648, VyaM. IV. p. 36. 3. AvaH. p. 688. 2. AvaCu. I. p. 472.
4. GDA. p. 128. Mahesara (Maheśvara) Lord of the northern Bhūyavāiya gods.1
1. Praj, 49. Mahesaradatta (Maheśvaradatta ) Priest of king Jiyasattu(5) who reigned
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