See Mihilā.
Mihilapuri (Mithilapuri)
1. Sam. 158.
Mihilā (Mithila ) Capital of the Videha(2) country. There was a park named Aggujjāna. Malli(1), the nineteenth Titthamkara, was born here as the daughter of queen Pabhāvati(4) and king Kumbhaga. Malli held a discussion here with parivrājikä Cokkhā. Malli received her first alms here from Vissasen (3). King Nami(2) also resigned at Mihilã. Cakkavatti Banbhadatt 1) had visited it.? Eighth Vāsudeva(1) Lakkhana in his previous birth had made a resolve (nidäna) in this city. Titthayara Mahāvīra had sojourned here in the Manibhadda(2) shrine and had preached Jambuddivapappatti to Goyama(1). At that time king Jiyasattu(14) reigned there.10 He, who is also called Jaņņa, paid homage to the Titthayara." Mahāvīra spend six rainy seasons at this place.12 Ganadhara Akampiya belonged to this city.13 Āsamitta, disciple of Kodiņņa and grand disciple of Mahāgiri, emerged here as fourth Ninhava ( schismatic )." King Paumaraha(2) reigned here.15 Titthamkara Nami(1) also belonged to it.16 Mihilā has been identified with modern Janakpur in the district of Darbhanga. 1. Praj. 37, Sutsi. p. 123, Nis. 9.19, 10. Jam. 1, Sur. 1. Nir. 3.8.
11. Vis. 1973, AvaN. 518, AvaCu. I. 2. Jna. 75.
p. 315. 3. Jna. 65, Tir. 508.
12. Kalp. 122. 4. Jna. 74.
13. Vis. 2506, AvaN. 645. S. Ava N. 325.
14. Vis. 2804, AvaN. 782, AvaBh, 1316. Utt. 9. 4-14. UttCu. p. 180, Tir. 510, 1
132, AvaCu. I. p. 422, Utts. p. 163. AvaCu. II. p. 207.
Sth. 587 NisBh, 5600. 7. Uttn. and UttS. 380.
15. AvaCu. I. p. 519. 8. Sam. 158, Tir. 608
16. Sam. 157. 9. Bha. 362. Jam. 1-2, 178.
17. GDA. p. 130, SGAMI. p. 28. Minagā ( Menakä ) A principal wife of Logapāla Soma(4) under Titthayara Bali(4). See also Soma(4).
1. Bha. 406, Sth. 273 inentions her as Mittagā. Mumjai (Mauñjakin ) One of the seven branches of Kāsava(1) lineage.?
1. Sth. 551. Mumjapāuyāra (Muñjapādukākāra ) An Aryan industrial group engaged in preparing foot-wears of munja grass.
1. Praj, 37. Mundiambaya (Mundikāmraka) Same as Mumdimbaga.
1. AvaN. 1312 Mumdimbaga or Mumdimbaya (Mundikāmraka) King of Simbavaddhana. He was initiated as a lay-votary by Påsa bhuti.
1. AvaN. 1312, AvaCu. II. p. 210, Aval. p. 722, VyaBh. 6. 211.
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